Import and re-export
Hi we have s shipment originally exported from shanghai but has now been returned due to need to change the outside packaging.The US importer is unable to provide document for retuning the shipment.As we will re-export it after repacking,can we put it in a bonded warehouse,repack and then send it back to the US directly,otherwise we will have to pay very high import duty and taxes,do we have to use a clearing agent in the Free Trade Zone?Or is there a better way?Many thanks
Hi we have s shipment originally exported from shanghai but has now been returned due to need to change the outside packaging.The US importer is unable to provide document for retuning the shipment.As we will re-export it after repacking,can we put it in a bonded warehouse,repack and then send it back to the US directly,otherwise we will have to pay very high import duty and taxes,do we have to use a clearing agent in the Free Trade Zone?Or is there a better way?Many thanks
Hello,as you said,only customs re-export to the Waigaoqiao Free Trade Zone is the best practice
- 1(-5*103次方)(-6*105次方)(7*107次方)
- 2在下面的括号中填上合适的自然数,使式子成立.五分之三小于()分之七小于五分之六
- 3求一篇 不会变的是———— 为题 一篇作文400字左右.
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- 5.What’s your opinion 等于.What’s your view
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