I found that a boy jumped very well.He 6 be the winner.只要第6题,
I was never a great athlete (运动员),but I managed to win a prize once.
It 1 on a School Sports Day when I was asked to represent my class in the long jump.I was the 2 in my class.My teacher thought I might have a chance to win.
He was right.I won,but not first prize.I only managed second place,behind someone
3 was at least five centimetres shorter than me.
We were each given three jumps.4 my first jump came,I ran down the lane as fast as I could and took off at the board.I thought I jumped very well but it was a foul (违规的) jump.So I had to wait for the next jump.
When I stood there and watched 5 jump,I found that a boy jumped very well.He 6 be the winner.He was not tall,but his 7 were quite strong.When I saw him make his jump,I knew that no one else would be able to 8 him.
No one did.I managed my best jump of 3.65 metres and it was not near his best at all.The others did much 9 .
I was very happ
I was never a great athlete (运动员),but I managed to win a prize once.
It 1 on a School Sports Day when I was asked to represent my class in the long jump.I was the 2 in my class.My teacher thought I might have a chance to win.
He was right.I won,but not first prize.I only managed second place,behind someone
3 was at least five centimetres shorter than me.
We were each given three jumps.4 my first jump came,I ran down the lane as fast as I could and took off at the board.I thought I jumped very well but it was a foul (违规的) jump.So I had to wait for the next jump.
When I stood there and watched 5 jump,I found that a boy jumped very well.He 6 be the winner.He was not tall,but his 7 were quite strong.When I saw him make his jump,I knew that no one else would be able to 8 him.
No one did.I managed my best jump of 3.65 metres and it was not near his best at all.The others did much 9 .
I was very happ
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