Dear Sir or Madam,
I am writing the letter in purpose of placing an order of some books.
Firstly,please give me particular accounts as graduate-study admission exam vocabulary of Liuyinan,high marks in writing of Wangjiangtao and split and combination in translation of Tangjing.Secondly,I also need to know the terms of payment.Thirdly,I wonder if it is convenient for you to diliver these books by EMS to the English Department of xxx college by march 1,2013.
I would like to express my gratitude for your kind consideration of my requests.I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Yours sincerely,
Li Ming
Dear Sir or Madam,
I am writing the letter in purpose of placing an order of some books.
Firstly,please give me particular accounts as graduate-study admission exam vocabulary of Liuyinan,high marks in writing of Wangjiangtao and split and combination in translation of Tangjing.Secondly,I also need to know the terms of payment.Thirdly,I wonder if it is convenient for you to diliver these books by EMS to the English Department of xxx college by march 1,2013.
I would like to express my gratitude for your kind consideration of my requests.I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Yours sincerely,
Li Ming
就一句话需要修改的Firstly,please give me particular books such as Liuyinan's 'graduate-study admission exam vocabulary',Wangjingtao's 'high marks in writing' and Tangjing's 'split and combination in t...
- 11、一桶花生油原价80元,现在的价格比原来提高了20元.现在的价格比原来提高了百分之几?2、一袋化肥用去40℅.剩下的比用去的多10千克,这袋化肥原来重多少千克?
- 2连词成句 1.the,have ,take,good,a,medicine,and,rest,( 变陈述句)
- 3情深不寿,强极则辱,谦谦君子,温润如玉.情深不寿,
- 4集合A={x|x²-3x-10≤0},集合B={x|m+1≤x≤2m-1},若A包含于 B求m的取值范围
- 5修辞方法有哪些?还有说明方法有哪些?
- 6"英国"两种说法,UK和GB到底有什么区别?
- 7用一个边长为60cm的正方形铁皮,在四个角分别剪下一个边长为5cm的小正方形,然后做成一个无盖铁盒,这个铁盒的容积是多少?(不计铁皮厚度)
- 8已知被减数、减数与差一共是248,其中差是39,求被减数与减数各是多少
- 9We could draw the conclusion that she is a bad girl. 句中that后所跟从句是同位语从句还是定语从句?
- 10用2、3、5、7、四个数字能组成几个不同的数?
- 1我们现在需要回家了 用英语怎么说
- 21______your parents ______(have) a computer?yes.
- 3请大家填答案【要求填的数是分数,是最简分数,且假分数要化成带分数】:750米等于【 】千米 还有的补充在
- 4已知﹙a+b-5﹚²+﹙a-b+5﹚=0,则a²-b²等于多少
- 5一天中什么时候太阳照射人的影子是最长的?
- 6已知定义在R上的减函数f(x),对任意实数x,问是否存在这样的实数x,使f(2x^2-4)
- 7甲乙两车分别从A、B两城同时相对开出,经过4小时,甲车行了全程的80%,乙车超过中点13千米,已知甲车比乙车每小时多行3千米,A、B两城相距多少千米?
- 8已知点M(-1,0)点N(1,0),动点P(x,y)满足|PM
- 9甲乙两木块的体积相同,它们的质量之比为6:5,它们密度之比是?
- 101700平方厘米等于多少平方分米