Your love taught the meaning of concern,
It taught me how to adore and jealousy,
Your heart waked me up on its beats,
It holds me close it made my life.
The best dreams, I dream it for you,
Even if I slept my heart will be awake for you,
My heart wound be awake wishing you,
But worried and lost.
Eyes who took me,
They made me forget who I am,
After the hold me close,
I will be awake the whole night,
And once you talk to me,
If I was in, you take me to paradise.
Your love taught the meaning of concern,
It taught me how to adore and jealousy,
Your heart waked me up on its beats,
It holds me close it made my life.
The best dreams, I dream it for you,
Even if I slept my heart will be awake for you,
My heart wound be awake wishing you,
But worried and lost.
Eyes who took me,
They made me forget who I am,
After the hold me close,
I will be awake the whole night,
And once you talk to me,
If I was in, you take me to paradise.
- 1数学答案四年级下册的数学、语文、英语试卷,我明天要考了,复习用,急啊!
- 2什么事开音节词与闭音节词?
- 3密度为P1的酒精和密度为P2的酒精同体积混合后的密度是( ) .
- 4我一直想看《罗密欧与朱丽叶》这部电影 I have ————to watch the movie romeo and juliet
- 5If it______(not snow)in Suzhou next year,we will stay here to spend the holiday.
- 6sports kit
- 7不变见到同学没有困难我怎么能不帮住呢换个说法但意思不变
- 8设f(x)=4的x次方除以4的x次方加二的和,利用课本中推导等差数列前n项和的方法;
- 9英语单词连词成句forties/ English/ to/ was/ began/ he/ his/ when/ he/ in/ learn
- 10如果x,y是整数,且x^2+2012xy-2013y^2=1,求x,y的值
- 1求【我以为你和她们不一样】.这句话的 英语翻译
- 2表示危害国家的汉字,只要一个字,再写一下解释就更好了,
- 3父亲这一番振聋发聩的话语给我上了一生中最重要的一课 怎么缩写
- 4一桶油连桶重950克,把油倒去一半后连桶重550克,这个油桶重多少克?
- 5be worry about 和 be worried about
- 6软水机出来的软水硬度范围是多少?.经TDS笔测试出来硬度达到138.
- 7调节人体内环境稳态的系统不包括( ) A.神经系统 B.内分泌系统 C.运动系统 D.免疫系统
- 8已知线段AB=12cm,直线AB上有一点C,且BC=6cm,M是线段AC的中点,则线段AM的长为_.
- 9每次拿五个橘子、剩四个橘子.每次拿四个橘子、剩两个橘子.问一共有多少橘子?
- 10在横线上填上合适的四字词语