1:The party began shortly after Mr.Wood,who lived in the flat below,signed to himself as he heard excited voices and the noisy music.
2:If you don’t have a “system” for planning your time now (like a day timer a computer data book).get one.Most of all,don’t depend on your memory.
3:You pay every time you have to repeat or replace a course.
4:Do not be afraid of the beyond
5:I just held on to something that would never come to pass
6:I don't know why you bother trying to dance
7:I enjoyed hanging out by the water
8:It's just getting that across to them.
9:Don't get yourself worked up
1:The party began shortly after Mr.Wood,who lived in the flat below,signed to himself as he heard excited voices and the noisy music.
2:If you don’t have a “system” for planning your time now (like a day timer a computer data book).get one.Most of all,don’t depend on your memory.
3:You pay every time you have to repeat or replace a course.
4:Do not be afraid of the beyond
5:I just held on to something that would never come to pass
6:I don't know why you bother trying to dance
7:I enjoyed hanging out by the water
8:It's just getting that across to them.
9:Don't get yourself worked up
1:派对在木材先生,在下面住在了公寓之后不久开始了,当他听到兴奋声音和吵杂的音乐,签署给他自己.2:如果你没有现在计划你的时间的一个 " 系统 ".(像一天定时器计算机数据书)拿一.最重要的是,不取决于你的记忆.3:...
- 1物理符号∝怎么读?
- 2一个盛水的圆柱形容器,底面半径是5厘米,深20厘米,水深15厘米,今将一个边长为5厘米的正方形铁块放入容器中
- 3the students were ——in the ——animals in the zoo.(interest)
- 4“桑迪没有许多时间打羽毛球”用英语怎么说?
- 5歇后语:1 一加一等于二—— 2三加二减五—— 3小蜜蜂说话—— 4鸭子逛大街—
- 6初中物理题:把长20cm左右的饮料吸管A插在盛水的杯子中,另一根吸管B的管口贴靠在A管的上端.
- 7某建筑工地用升降机提升实心砖的示意图如图所示.升降机货箱的重力是300N,g取10N/kg.不计滑轮和钢丝绳的重力,不计摩擦.试求: (1)已知砖的密度是2×103kg/m3,每块转的体积是1.5×1
- 8喜马拉雅山高多少
- 9音标重读音节
- 10用一根长45厘米的铁丝焊成一个正方体框架(接头处不计)表面积是()平方厘米,体积是()立方厘米
- 1以下题目全用方程
- 2什么遇fecl3呈现紫色
- 36分之1+3分之1×12分之5= 用递等式计算
- 4找规律:325.321.319.317
- 5食用碱可以清洗金属表面的油污吗?
- 6In,she is accompanying me half a year.there are a lot of pleasure and pain In,she is accompanyin
- 7我的家乡作文怎么写100字?
- 8把一瓶碳酸饮料做一下电解实验,可以分解出二氧化碳气体吗?
- 9西汉时的民族关系既有战争又有和平,请个举一例
- 10在我国,平均每平方米的土地一年从太阳处得到的能量,相当于燃烧1.3×108kg的煤产生的热量,我国960万km2的土地上,一年从太阳处得到的能量相当于燃烧多少千克的煤?(结果用科学记数法