how can you tell whether you are a good rider.的翻译是“你怎么才能判断你是否是一个好的自行车手
Perhaps you ride a bicycle to school. Riding a bicycle can be great fun. Do you know how to ride a bicycle 1 ?
Careful boys and girls learn to ride their bicycle well 2 they go out on the road. How can you tell 3 you are a good rider?
If you can ride a bicycle in a straight line, you can ride well. If you can’t ,you should practice riding 4 a safe place. To be safe on a bicycle, you 5 to use both hands and both feet. 6 your feet on the pedals and your hands on the handle bars at all times.
Perhaps you ride a bicycle to school. Riding a bicycle can be great fun. Do you know how to ride a bicycle 1 ?
Careful boys and girls learn to ride their bicycle well 2 they go out on the road. How can you tell 3 you are a good rider?
If you can ride a bicycle in a straight line, you can ride well. If you can’t ,you should practice riding 4 a safe place. To be safe on a bicycle, you 5 to use both hands and both feet. 6 your feet on the pedals and your hands on the handle bars at all times.
how can you tell whether you are a good rider.的翻译是“你怎么才能判断你是否是一个好的自行车手 ”可以是可以不是,Rider有很多意思,你有前后文吗? 这样才能判断Rider的具体意思,其余部分没歧义.
- 1要配制1mol/L的氯化钠溶液480毫升,需称量氯化钠固体的质量为( )
- 25kg的水结成冰后质量为( )kg,体积为( )m³.(p冰=0.9x10³kg/m³)
- 3甲,乙两人同时从A,B两地同时出发相向而行,第一次相遇在离A地30千米处,两人还以同样的速度前进.
- 41) I went to buy a of China Daily.
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- 7应用题 甲,乙,丙,丁四人数学平均考分是96分,甲考了98分,乙与丙同分,丁比甲少2分,乙考多少分
- 8一根绳子,第一次用去全长的一半多5米,第二次用去余下的一半少10米,第三次用去15米,最后剩10米,绳子
- 9如图,将一根长9cm的筷子,置于底面直径为3cm,高为4cm的圆柱形水杯中,设筷子露在杯子外面的长度是为hcm,则h的取值范围是_.
- 10abc不等于0,且a+b+c=0,则代数式(bc分之a)+(ca分之b)+(ab分之c)的值
- 1已知函数y=f(x)是定义域在R上的奇函数,且f(x)是减函数,
- 2对下列画括号的部分提问:
- 3设等比数列{an}的前n项和Sn=a*3^n+1(n属于N),则a=
- 4永良超市的苹果和梨的单价相同.妈妈买了5千克苹果和8千克梨,其中梨比苹果多用了11.7元.苹果和梨的单价是多少元?
- 5如何证明对角线垂直的平行四边形是菱形
- 66×6×6×6改写成乘法算式是( ),读作( ),表示( )个( )相加.
- 7若甲数的四分之一是20,乙数是甲数的五分之四,则乙数是()
- 8A、B是分别盛有适量的煤油和水的相同容器,置于水平桌面上.现将一实心小球分别放入A、B两容器中,小球静止后排开煤油和水的体积分别为20cm3和18cm3.则小球的密度为 kg/m3
- 9Today,faced a neuropathy,where the temper * bar you go.翻译成中文是什么意
- 10某炼铁厂用含氧化铁80%的赤铁矿冶炼生铁.若要炼出1120t含铁95%的生铁,需要含氧化铁80%的赤铁矿多少吨?(反应方程式Fe2O3+3CO 高温 . 2Fe+3CO2)