Economic development and environmental protection are apressing issue primarily for developing countries where, in trying to catch upwith developed countries, they have to consume natural resources on anunprecedented scale. This has seriously polluted our environment and, with theglobal environmental campaign gaining momentum, many people in China call forthe precedence of environmental protection over economic development.
The relationship between economic development and environmentprotection is a complex one. For modern men, neither a primitive society whichis perfectly ecologically friendly nor an industrial civilization which isecologically hostile is what we want.. Environmental problems arise as a resultof industrialization and only technologies can deliver solutions to thoseproblems. Rather than simply returning to the past of non-human activity, wecan seek active technological solutions in solar energy and wind energy toreplace fossil fuels. By th
Economic development and environmental protection are apressing issue primarily for developing countries where, in trying to catch upwith developed countries, they have to consume natural resources on anunprecedented scale. This has seriously polluted our environment and, with theglobal environmental campaign gaining momentum, many people in China call forthe precedence of environmental protection over economic development.
The relationship between economic development and environmentprotection is a complex one. For modern men, neither a primitive society whichis perfectly ecologically friendly nor an industrial civilization which isecologically hostile is what we want.. Environmental problems arise as a resultof industrialization and only technologies can deliver solutions to thoseproblems. Rather than simply returning to the past of non-human activity, wecan seek active technological solutions in solar energy and wind energy toreplace fossil fuels. By th
apressing a pressing;catch upwith catch up with;anunprecedented an unprecedented;theglobal the global;forthe for the; environmentprotection environment protection ; whichis which is...
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- 2一个圆柱和一个圆锥等高,圆柱和圆锥体积比是4:1,底面积比是多少?
- 3茅屋为秋风所破歌中表现诗人推己及人,忧国忧民的句子______________
- 4(2a-3b)(3b-2a)+(a-b)(-a+b)(运用乘法公式计算)拜托各位大神
- 5.学校一条大路的一边有25盆花,如果每两棵树之间放一盆花,一共栽了了多少棵树?里概述您的问题
- 6如果一个函数在某点只有左极限而没有右极限.
- 71/2x3+1/3x4+1/4x5.+1/8x9+1/9x10
- 8In the office I never seem to have time until after5:30pm,____many people have gone home.
- 9设AB是椭圆x^2/9+y^2/25=1的中心的弦,F是椭圆的一个焦点,则三角形ABF的面积的最大值为
- 10是find sb. do还是find sb. to do
- 1从匡衡的凿壁借光上学到了什么?
- 2大脑沟回的作用
- 3谁会谁来!】12分之1=( )分之1—( )分之1 7分之( )+9分之( )=63分之46
- 4夏意 翻译
- 5某中学对八年级男生进行引体向上的测试,以做7个为标准,超过的个数用正数表示,不足的个数用负数表示,其中八名男生成绩如下:+3 -2 0 +4 -1 +2 -5.
- 6( 1-4分之3×3分之2)除以2 要简便方法
- 7直线l1:x-y+3=0与直线l2:x+y+5=0的夹角平分线方程为
- 8文言文中“而”用法的辨别?
- 9黄蓓佳<心声>缩写300字左右
- 10一块平行四边形的广告牌,低是14.8米,高是7.5米.如果用油漆漆这块广告牌,每平方米要用油漆0.7千克,