One day,I happened to talk to a stranger on the bus.
One day,I happened to talk to a stranger on the bus.When he found out that I was from Chicago,he told me that one of his good friends lived there and he wondered if I happened to know him.At first I wanted to say that Chicago was a very big city.He was silent (沉默) for a few minutes,and then he began to tell me all about his friend.
He told me that his friend was an excellent tennis player,and that he even had his own tennis court (网球场).He added that he knew a lot of people with swimming pools,but that he only knew two people in the country had their own tennis courts.And his friend in Chicago was one of them.I told him that I knew several people like that.For example,my brother and my next-door neighbor.I told him that my brother was a doctor.The doctor had a tennis court.I said that my next-door neighbor went to Sacramento last summer and lived in the house next to my brother’s.For a moment,we looked at each other.But we did
One day,I happened to talk to a stranger on the bus.When he found out that I was from Chicago,he told me that one of his good friends lived there and he wondered if I happened to know him.At first I wanted to say that Chicago was a very big city.He was silent (沉默) for a few minutes,and then he began to tell me all about his friend.
He told me that his friend was an excellent tennis player,and that he even had his own tennis court (网球场).He added that he knew a lot of people with swimming pools,but that he only knew two people in the country had their own tennis courts.And his friend in Chicago was one of them.I told him that I knew several people like that.For example,my brother and my next-door neighbor.I told him that my brother was a doctor.The doctor had a tennis court.I said that my next-door neighbor went to Sacramento last summer and lived in the house next to my brother’s.For a moment,we looked at each other.But we did
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- 3请问中文翻译英语 "对不起,出货迟了"
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- 1绿野仙踪 精彩段落
- 2怎么办端一个电路中,电压表实测那一个用电器的电压,或者电源电压?
- 3甲乙两车分别从东西两站同时出发 相向而行 相遇后原速前进 到达对方出发地后立即返回 途中又相遇
- 4微夫人之力不及此的之的虚词
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- 6五年级语文寒假作业62页第一题教教我!我马上就要交作业了急哪位大师教
- 7They like play computer games rather than cleaning the rooms 的汉语翻译
- 8Please fill up information
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