求改四级作文 语法 词汇使用之类的硬伤改下 最主要的是句子的变换和优美 better it
with china's entering into WTO,we chinese are exposed to more foreigners than before.Thus,more emphysis has been laid to english learning.However,an interesting phenomenon we found is many students pay little attention to spelling.
i suppose 2 reasons why this happens.firstly ,with more experts claiming that the significant purpose of english learing is communication,students put more effortp in speaking but ignore their spelling.secondly,the lazyness of students stops them from remembering the spelling completely,which leads to their mistaken spelling.
Faced with the phenomenon,we should take measures immediately.TO teachers,they should urge students to focus on spelling and check it at times.To sudents,they should make it a habit to concentrate on wors spelling when learning english.To schools,they should organize text and exams in which the accuracy of spelling could dirextly lead to scores they get.
with china's entering into WTO,we chinese are exposed to more foreigners than before.Thus,more emphysis has been laid to english learning.However,an interesting phenomenon we found is many students pay little attention to spelling.
i suppose 2 reasons why this happens.firstly ,with more experts claiming that the significant purpose of english learing is communication,students put more effortp in speaking but ignore their spelling.secondly,the lazyness of students stops them from remembering the spelling completely,which leads to their mistaken spelling.
Faced with the phenomenon,we should take measures immediately.TO teachers,they should urge students to focus on spelling and check it at times.To sudents,they should make it a habit to concentrate on wors spelling when learning english.To schools,they should organize text and exams in which the accuracy of spelling could dirextly lead to scores they get.
With china's entering into WTO,from economic,political and cultural aspects,Chinese have more chances to communicate with foreigners than before.Thus,people emphasize the importance of English learning.However,an interesting phenomenon which I have found among students is that they pay little attention to spelling.
I think there are two reasons why this happens.Firstly,with more experts claiming that the significant purpose of English learning is communication,students put more efforts in speaking but ignore their spelling.Secondly,the laziness of students stops them from remembering the spelling completely,which leads to their mistaken spelling.
Faced with such phenomenon,we should take measures immediately.To teachers,they should encourage students to focus on spelling and check students’ spelling from time to time.To students,they should build a habit to concentrate on wrong spelling when learning English.To schools,they should organize some exams about the spelling ability of students so as to improve the accuracy of spelling
I think there are two reasons why this happens.Firstly,with more experts claiming that the significant purpose of English learning is communication,students put more efforts in speaking but ignore their spelling.Secondly,the laziness of students stops them from remembering the spelling completely,which leads to their mistaken spelling.
Faced with such phenomenon,we should take measures immediately.To teachers,they should encourage students to focus on spelling and check students’ spelling from time to time.To students,they should build a habit to concentrate on wrong spelling when learning English.To schools,they should organize some exams about the spelling ability of students so as to improve the accuracy of spelling
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