It can be seen in this case,that unlike steam,starting from saturated vapour,the working fluid becomes
superheated as it expands.Therefore,there are no blade erosion problems associated with its use.In
order to improve the cycle efficiency,at the end of expansion,the low-pressure superheated vapour can
be passed through a counterflow heat exchanger,or recuperator,to recover the heat that would otherwise
be rejected in the condenser and use it to preheat the pressurized liquid leaving the feed pump before
it enters the boiler.Thus,using pentane,higher cycle efficiencies are attainable.
It can be seen in this case,that unlike steam,starting from saturated vapour,the working fluid becomes
superheated as it expands.Therefore,there are no blade erosion problems associated with its use.In
order to improve the cycle efficiency,at the end of expansion,the low-pressure superheated vapour can
be passed through a counterflow heat exchanger,or recuperator,to recover the heat that would otherwise
be rejected in the condenser and use it to preheat the pressurized liquid leaving the feed pump before
it enters the boiler.Thus,using pentane,higher cycle efficiencies are attainable.
It can be seen in this case,that unlike steam,starting from saturated vapour,the working fluid becomes superheated as it expands.Therefore,there are no blade erosion problems associated with its use.I...
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- 2前后顺序可颠倒的两字词语.
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- 484g/cm=____mol/L?
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