English Debate~
We have the topic as follow:
Schools should be year-round with more short holidays throughout the year instead of a long summer holiday..
We are the opposition side..
plz help me to think about the point we may have to talk about and the points that the affirmative side may mention..
thanks a lot~
We have the topic as follow:
Schools should be year-round with more short holidays throughout the year instead of a long summer holiday..
We are the opposition side..
plz help me to think about the point we may have to talk about and the points that the affirmative side may mention..
thanks a lot~
I believe schools should have long holidays rather than many short holidays.First of all,long holidays give students time to relax and prepare for the new upcoming year.The purpose of holidays are to give students time to relax,but if holidays are too short,it does not meet the original purpose,therefore it is not such a smart choice to make.Secondly,only long holidays provide students enough time to travel out of their city.Short holidays are too short,it would only give students enough time to have a holiday at home.But long holidays would give students the opportunity to step out of their house,and have a holiday in the wider world.Thirdly,long holidays get to use the weather effectively.For instance,there is a summer holiday because summer is a suitable time for out door activities.But if it is separated into short holidays,the summer would be no more use than to make students sleepy in classes.And this is also one of the reasons why summer vacation is necessary.The weather and temperature effects the student.The heat in summer would affect students,make them sleepy and obviously,they would not be able to concentrate on their studies.I believe that it is necessary to move the studying time to times when the weather is cooler,which has a more chance of students paying attention in class.For all the reasons above,I believe that a long summer holiday is necessary.
Another possible reason:
- Summer vacation gives the student time to practice organizing their own time,since the vacation is long.
Another possible reason:
- Summer vacation gives the student time to practice organizing their own time,since the vacation is long.
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