1. If you want to ______ that you get the diploma,you have to work harder and take all these curricula and pass them.
A. insure B.assure C.ensure D. secure
2. The picture ____ thedays when I spent my childhood in the countryside.
A. reminded B.recollected C. remembered D. recalled
3. Mr. Smith had anunusual ____: he was first an office clerk, then a sailor, and ended up as aschool teacher.
A. profession B. occupation C. position D.career
4. People could hardly____ their anger when they found millions of dollars of public funds had been used to build luxurious houses for cityofficials.
A. hold back B.draw back C. keep back D.hold up
5. I believe they are themost _______ people we have in China.
A. hopeful B.likely C. prospective D. promising
6. A good student iseager to learn and does not need to be ________ about being absent too muc
1. If you want to ______ that you get the diploma,you have to work harder and take all these curricula and pass them.
A. insure B.assure C.ensure D. secure
2. The picture ____ thedays when I spent my childhood in the countryside.
A. reminded B.recollected C. remembered D. recalled
3. Mr. Smith had anunusual ____: he was first an office clerk, then a sailor, and ended up as aschool teacher.
A. profession B. occupation C. position D.career
4. People could hardly____ their anger when they found millions of dollars of public funds had been used to build luxurious houses for cityofficials.
A. hold back B.draw back C. keep back D.hold up
5. I believe they are themost _______ people we have in China.
A. hopeful B.likely C. prospective D. promising
6. A good student iseager to learn and does not need to be ________ about being absent too muc
- 1已知公差不为零的等差数列{an}满足a5=10,且a1,a3,a9成等比数列.(1)求数列{an}的通项公式an;(2)设Sn为数列{an}的前n项和,求数列{1/Sn}的前n项和Tn.
- 2方程x2+(2m-1)x+4-2m=0的一根大于2,一根小于2,那么实数m的取值范围是?您说f(2)<0 为何?
- 3为什么会下雪
- 4人类破坏环境的后果
- 51.两个组织相同的电阻,先串联后并联,分别接在电压相同的电路中,那么串联和并联的总功率之比是多少?
- 6作文;我最喜欢的一部名著!
- 7小学英语的演讲稿,2分钟左右,最好是小故事
- 8翻译:最终却成了好朋友 but they ______ up _________ good friends.
- 9从齐桓公称霸这件事中得到什么启示
- 10ten to nine 哪个单词表示时哪个单词表示分
- 1一点一点又一点一横一横又一横一撇一撇又一撇一捺一捺又一捺是什么字
- 26,24,60,120,…以此类推,第60个数是多少?
- 3请问“任何物体都在运动”怎么理解啊?为什么说运动是绝对的呢?
- 4tropical fruit dads like 打一以P为开头的单词是什么?
- 5refer to 和come to 区别?都是涉及提到的意思,有什么区别?比如下面这题
- 6选择:The exercise is very ____.It is as ___ as easy as ABC
- 74、在水中上浮的物体如()、(),它们比同体积的水( );在水中下沉的物体如( )、( ),它们比同体
- 82.如图2所示的电路中,当开关S断开时,如下说法正确的是( )
- 9水果店第一天买出的苹果重量是第二天买出的1.2倍假如第二天多买出36千克就与第一天相同这两天各买出多少
- 10夏天和秋天有什么树叶?