The Fun They Had
Margie kept her diary almost every day.One day she wrote,“17 may,2155” and then this sentence:“Today Tommy found a real book.”
It was a very old book.Its pages were yellow.Margie suddenly remembered that her grandfather once said that that centuries ago all stories were printed on paper.This must be a book on that time.
Tommy and Margie were anxious to read the book.They turned the pages.It was very funny.The words stood still,and didn’t move as they did on a TV.And then,when they turned back,the same words were there.
“Oh,” said Tommy,“what a waste,when you finish reading the book,you just throw it away.You can have a million books on our television,and even more,there is nothing throw away.”
Tommy and Margie were both thirteen.They had read a lot.Whenever they wanted to read,the books appeared on the TV.They had turned a page like they were doing now.
“What’s it about?” Margie asked.
Margie didn’t like the idea.“Scho
The Fun They Had
Margie kept her diary almost every day.One day she wrote,“17 may,2155” and then this sentence:“Today Tommy found a real book.”
It was a very old book.Its pages were yellow.Margie suddenly remembered that her grandfather once said that that centuries ago all stories were printed on paper.This must be a book on that time.
Tommy and Margie were anxious to read the book.They turned the pages.It was very funny.The words stood still,and didn’t move as they did on a TV.And then,when they turned back,the same words were there.
“Oh,” said Tommy,“what a waste,when you finish reading the book,you just throw it away.You can have a million books on our television,and even more,there is nothing throw away.”
Tommy and Margie were both thirteen.They had read a lot.Whenever they wanted to read,the books appeared on the TV.They had turned a page like they were doing now.
“What’s it about?” Margie asked.
Margie didn’t like the idea.“Scho
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