About Oxford University
Oxford is the oldest university in the English-speaking world and lays claim to nine centuries of continuous existence. As an internationally renowned centre for teaching and research, Oxford attracts students and scholars from across the globe, with almost a quarter of our students from overseas. More than 130 nationalities are represented among a student population of over 18,000.
Oxford is a collegiate university, with 39 self-governing colleges related to the University in a type of federal system. There are also seven Permanent Private Halls, founded by different Christian denominations. Thirty colleges and all halls admit students for both undergraduate and graduate degrees. Seven other colleges are for graduates only; one has Fellows only, and one specializes in part-time and continuing education.
Oxford University is a member of the Russell Group of 19 research-intensive universities.
Oxford is the oldest university in the English-speaking world and lays claim to nine centuries of continuous existence. As an internationally renowned centre for teaching and research, Oxford attracts students and scholars from across the globe, with almost a quarter of our students from overseas. More than 130 nationalities are represented among a student population of over 18,000.
Oxford is a collegiate university, with 39 self-governing colleges related to the University in a type of federal system. There are also seven Permanent Private Halls, founded by different Christian denominations. Thirty colleges and all halls admit students for both undergraduate and graduate degrees. Seven other colleges are for graduates only; one has Fellows only, and one specializes in part-time and continuing education.
Oxford University is a member of the Russell Group of 19 research-intensive universities.
- 1英语中的及物动词与不及物动词的区别与使用
- 2学校食堂买来550千克白菜,买的土豆比白菜少五分之一.买来土豆多少千克
- 3在凝胶层析中要想得到好的层析结果应注意哪些问题和采取哪些措施?
- 4一输出功率为八千瓦的起重机,将质量为八吨的水泥板,在十秒内提升四米
- 5一根圆柱形木材横截成2段表面积增加16厘米它的底面积是多少平方厘米?
- 6李大爷靠墙围了一个半径是10米的半圆形养鸡场,用了多长的篱笆?这个养鸡场有多大?如果不靠墙围,那么需要多长的篱笆?
- 7鸡蛋存放在冰箱中冷藏,可以存放多久?
- 8电影由一位著名的女演员主演,这部电影讲述的是一个地球 人爱上一个来自火星的女子 怎么翻译成英语
- 9解方程组:999x−1002y=29911001x−997y=3011.
- 10电热器标有220V,40W经过10s后,产生的热量是多少,
- 1有关山和水的诗词
- 2形容安静古诗
- 3一堆玩具分给小朋友,若每人分三个,则剩余四个,若每人分四个,最后一人得到不足三件,求人数和玩具数
- 41992X584-380分之204+584X1991-89分之5
- 5How he has done has great influence on the development of the factory he has been working in.
- 6说真话 说假话
- 7溴乙烷中滴入硝酸银的方程式
- 8英语作文.以 Last weekend为题 要用first,then,next,after,that等词写一遍小短文.
- 9请教in与inside的用法区别
- 10明天开始工作对你来说方便吗?(convenient) 这句话怎么翻译?