yesterday afternoon on my way to school i saw old granny crossing the street suddenly a young ma...
yesterday afternoon on my way to school i saw old granny crossing the street suddenly a young man knocked him over and escaped quickly leaving the old granny lie on the ground there was so many pasers-by around but they didn't help her i quickly run to her it was quite obviously that her left leg was broken i called 120 for help in no times an ambulance came but took her to the nearest hospital i think it is a duty for us of all to help those in need only when we help each other will our society be on harmony 英语改错没有大小写错误
yesterday afternoon on my way to school i saw old granny crossing the street suddenly a young man knocked him over and escaped quickly leaving the old granny lie on the ground there was so many pasers-by around but they didn't help her i quickly run to her it was quite obviously that her left leg was broken i called 120 for help in no times an ambulance came but took her to the nearest hospital i think it is a duty for us of all to help those in need only when we help each other will our society be on harmony 英语改错没有大小写错误
saw an old granny ,run-ran,but-and,those who in need
- 130(x+y)=400 80(y-x=400 的解,
- 2在什么速度下粒子的动能等于非相对论动能的两倍
- 3科举制在我国正式形成是在( )
- 4抛物线y=2x^2的焦点坐标为
- 5铝能和碱反应,铁为什么不和碱反应呢
- 6英语翻译
- 72013年的元旦,小明的爸爸和妈妈同时休息.以后,爸爸每工作五天休息一天,妈妈每工作四天休息一天.那么在这年的第一季度里,小明的爸爸和妈妈同时休息的天数共有( )天,其中最后一次同时休息的日期是( )
- 8能证明分子在化学反应中可以再分的事实是( ) A.氧化汞受热分解 B.用自来水制蒸馏水 C.分离空气法制氧气 D.碘升华为碘蒸气
- 9从8:45分到9:05,钟表的分针转动的角度是 时针转动的角度是
- 10{1,2,3}⊆A,A⊆{1,2,3,...18,19,20},求符合要求的A的集合个数
- 1若x为4与10的公倍数 则x为多少
- 2已知复数z的模为2,则|z-i|的最大值为( ) A.1 B.2 C.5 D.3
- 3关于动词的ing与ed形式
- 4谁能列出《郑伯克段于鄢》一文中所有的双宾语句?
- 5《卖火柴的小女孩》环境描写的作用是什么?
- 6用“...to help with...”造句
- 7化学反应平衡中,移出生成物气体,按理反应物气体的分压应该不变啊?为什么正反应速率也会减小?
- 8过第四象限的直线与抛物线交于点A(0,3)和和点C,已知点C是抛物线的顶点,且抛物线的对称轴与Y粥?B
- 9等边角钢三角形钢屋架坡度越大,如1/2.5 和1/3哪个用的钢板及角钢的用量比较
- 10描写华山巍峨的诗句和写泰山高大雄伟的诗句,每种只要一句最有名的即可