1.What does "Happiness" mean to you?2.Deseribe a gift you have received which is special to you 3.Compare the difference between middle school life and college life.4.What kind of career would you like to follow after you graduate?what factors are important in a job for you?5.In recent years,many young people decide to further their study abroad,what are the benefits and drawbacks of studying abroad?6.Why do you think it necessary to improve your Englins?把答案设计成两个人的对话形式 每个人有个2到3句对话 我把分数全拿出来了
1.What does "Happiness" mean to you?2.Deseribe a gift you have received which is special to you 3.Compare the difference between middle school life and college life.4.What kind of career would you like to follow after you graduate?what factors are important in a job for you?5.In recent years,many young people decide to further their study abroad,what are the benefits and drawbacks of studying abroad?6.Why do you think it necessary to improve your Englins?把答案设计成两个人的对话形式 每个人有个2到3句对话 我把分数全拿出来了
话题1 A:what does happiness mean to you B:i think the true happiness is that i can get a good job and lead a good life A:oh,but to me,the time i spent with my parents are the happiest thing B:i also think so.话题2 A:.Deseribe a gift you have received which is special to you B:i think the kiss my mother gave me in my last birthday party is very special to me A:why do you think so?B:i think,it is valuable and in my opinion ,it is better than anything else.话题3:A:what is the difference between the middle school life and college life?B:i think one obvious thing is that we have more free time in the college A:yes.right ,but i aslo think ,we have more access to different kinds of subjects in college B:yeah,i agree with you
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