At last firemen have put out a big forest fire in California.Since then,they have been trying to find out how the fire began.Forest fires are often caused by broken glass or by cigarette ends which people carelessly throw away.Yesterday the firemen examined the ground carefully,but were not able to find any broken glass.They were also quite sure that a cigarette end did not start the fire.This morning,however,a firemen accidentally discovered the cause.He noticed the remains of a snake which was wound round the electric wires of a 16,000-volt power line.In this way,he was able to solve the mystery.The explanation was simple but very unusual.A bird had snatched up the snake from the ground and then dropped it on to the wires.The snake then wound itself round the wires.When it did so,it sent sparks down to the ground and these immediately started a fire.
Now that firemen have putout a big forest fire in California,they have been trying to discover its cause.
There was not any evidence that it was started by broken glass or by a cigarette end.
However,a fireman has just solved the mystery.
He noticed that the remains of a snake which had been dropped by a bird on to the electric wires.
In winding itself round the wires,the snake had sent sparks to the ground and these cause the fire.
Last week one evening,I was smoking in bed,but some time later,I went to sleep.I suddenly woke and jumped up the bed,when the sheet had been burning.At last I have put the fire out,but there had been a big hole in the sheet.
333 Caoyang Str.,
Hefei city,
Anhui province.
March 20th.
Dear Mrs.,
Now that firemen have putout a big forest fire in California,they have been trying to discover its cause.
There was not any evidence that it was started by broken glass or by a cigarette end.
However,a fireman has just solved the mystery.
He noticed that the remains of a snake which had been dropped by a bird on to the electric wires.
In winding itself round the wires,the snake had sent sparks to the ground and these cause the fire.
Last week one evening,I was smoking in bed,but some time later,I went to sleep.I suddenly woke and jumped up the bed,when the sheet had been burning.At last I have put the fire out,but there had been a big hole in the sheet.
333 Caoyang Str.,
Hefei city,
Anhui province.
March 20th.
Dear Mrs.,
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- 2谁可以给我一些英语语法的运用,比如want后to do,enjoy 后加doing之类的,越多越好
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- 5数学一道填空题
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- 3在等比数列an中 1.a1=-1.5 a4=96 求q和s4 2.q=2分之一 s5=8分之31 求a1和a5
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