Country:Poland republic(The Republic of Poland)
National anthem:《The Poland perished 》
National Day:May 3rd(1791) with November 11th(1918)
National flag:Present horizontal rectangular,grow about 8 ∶s with the ratio of the breadth 5.The ensign noodles from top the white descend red two parallelism equal of the horizontal rectangular constitute.The white not only symbolizes old and legendary white eagle of thou,but also still symbolizes clean and pure,express a Poland people the desire freedom,peace,democracy,happiness of fine wishes;The red symbolize red-blooded,also symbolize the revolution conflict to obtain victory.
National insignia;For shield badge.Draw to there is a white eagle that wears a gold hat and unfolds a pair of wings on the shield noodles of the red.Red,the white is dichromatic is Poland the people like of traditional color is also the color of the national flag.The white eagle symbol Poland people unyielding patriotic spirit.
National high-ranking officials:President the · card (the Lech Kaczynski),win an election in October in 2005,take an oath an inauguration December;Premier's card together the rice day · MA3 ER3 QIN the is strange,working in October in 2005.
Natural geography:The area is more than 310,000 square kilometerses.Locate medium northeast in Europe,the north be close to Baltic,the west Germany,the south boundary Czech Republic,the fells a gram,the northeast and southeast and Byelorusian S.S.R.and Ukraine connect with each other.The coast line grows 528 kilometers.The geography north the low south is high,the central part descend cave.Elevation 200 meter the following plain has 72% of the national area about.The main mountain range has BA QIAN's mountain range of and Su's pedestal virtuous mountain range.The bigger river has the tile river(grow 1047 kilometers of) to get river with .(Poland inshore grow 742 kilometers)The biggest lake is a rare second virtuous lake,area 109.7 square kilometers.The whole ss belong to broad-leaved wood's weather from the temperate zone of the ocean aptitude continental climate transition.
Population:3863.20,000(the end of in 2001),the main race is a Polack(98%),the rest is a national minorities,such as Ukraine,Byelorusian S.S.R.,Lithuania,Russia,virtuous will and Judea...etc..Whole country about 90% the above residents believe in Rome Catholic.The official language is a language Poland.
Capital city:The sand(Warsaw),population 161.50,000(2001),year average air temperature 9.6 ℃s.
Country:Poland republic(The Republic of Poland)
National anthem:《The Poland perished 》
National Day:May 3rd(1791) with November 11th(1918)
National flag:Present horizontal rectangular,grow about 8 ∶s with the ratio of the breadth 5.The ensign noodles from top the white descend red two parallelism equal of the horizontal rectangular constitute.The white not only symbolizes old and legendary white eagle of thou,but also still symbolizes clean and pure,express a Poland people the desire freedom,peace,democracy,happiness of fine wishes;The red symbolize red-blooded,also symbolize the revolution conflict to obtain victory.
National insignia;For shield badge.Draw to there is a white eagle that wears a gold hat and unfolds a pair of wings on the shield noodles of the red.Red,the white is dichromatic is Poland the people like of traditional color is also the color of the national flag.The white eagle symbol Poland people unyielding patriotic spirit.
National high-ranking officials:President the · card (the Lech Kaczynski),win an election in October in 2005,take an oath an inauguration December;Premier's card together the rice day · MA3 ER3 QIN the is strange,working in October in 2005.
Natural geography:The area is more than 310,000 square kilometerses.Locate medium northeast in Europe,the north be close to Baltic,the west Germany,the south boundary Czech Republic,the fells a gram,the northeast and southeast and Byelorusian S.S.R.and Ukraine connect with each other.The coast line grows 528 kilometers.The geography north the low south is high,the central part descend cave.Elevation 200 meter the following plain has 72% of the national area about.The main mountain range has BA QIAN's mountain range of and Su's pedestal virtuous mountain range.The bigger river has the tile river(grow 1047 kilometers of) to get river with .(Poland inshore grow 742 kilometers)The biggest lake is a rare second virtuous lake,area 109.7 square kilometers.The whole ss belong to broad-leaved wood's weather from the temperate zone of the ocean aptitude continental climate transition.
Population:3863.20,000(the end of in 2001),the main race is a Polack(98%),the rest is a national minorities,such as Ukraine,Byelorusian S.S.R.,Lithuania,Russia,virtuous will and Judea...etc..Whole country about 90% the above residents believe in Rome Catholic.The official language is a language Poland.
Capital city:The sand(Warsaw),population 161.50,000(2001),year average air temperature 9.6 ℃s.
- 1当k为何值是,关于X的方程(x-1)/x-(8x+K)/2x(x-1)+x/(x-1)=0有且只有一个实数是它的根?并求出此实根
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- 61/2+1/4+1/8+1/16+1/32+1/64.
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