There is no doubt that Internet is a very important part of our daily life.Some people think that the books shoud be banished.As the books go,more and more people don't like read it.They think use computer should more convenient than reading books.
For my part,I hold the point of view that books shouldn't be banished,because books can help us become a man of considenable culture.Those minds can't be instead of computer.
Secondly,books are traditional culture. There aer have some culture put down in writing.
All in all,not only are we live in a modern life,but also there are many things convenient than the past.We still remreber the traditional culture
There is no doubt that Internet is a very important part of our daily life.Some people think that the books shoud be banished.As the books go,more and more people don't like read it.They think use computer should more convenient than reading books.
For my part,I hold the point of view that books shouldn't be banished,because books can help us become a man of considenable culture.Those minds can't be instead of computer.
Secondly,books are traditional culture. There aer have some culture put down in writing.
All in all,not only are we live in a modern life,but also there are many things convenient than the past.We still remreber the traditional culture
There is no doubt that Internet is a very important part of our daily life.Some people think that the(the去掉) books shoud be banished.As the books go,more and more people don't like read(reading) i...
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- 3_____ people grow older,their sight and hearing become less acute
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- 6写了篇英语作文(初四的,很短),
- 71.They have a basketball game cvery year,(改为否定句0
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- 1六年级上册詹天佑课文 赞叹他写一首诗
- 2英语翻译:我希望她早日实现她的理想
- 3顾名思义写法是否正确
- 4who put ink on my chair
- 5当m=( )时,方程组{3x+2y=1 1式,6x+my=5 2式}
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- 7有关速度、功是矢量还是标量的问题.
- 8我说道:“爸爸,你走吧.”他往车外看了看说:“我买几个橘子去.你就在此地,不要走动.”我看那边月台的栅栏外有几个卖东西的等着顾客.走到那边月台,须穿过铁道,须跳下去又爬上去.父亲是一个胖子,走过去自然
- 9解方程 3X的平方-10X+3=0
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