please help me translate
Your website must include the following pages:
1.Home Page:
a Name of travel agency
b Logo(e.g.Golden Arches)
c Slogan(e.g.I'm lovin'it)
2.Feature Festination Page
a.Name and Description of destination
b Dscription of activities available(skiing.sports,beaches,mountains)
c Pics to entice travellers
d Links (with oics)to 5 or more attraction
3.Accommodations and Filghts Page
a Accommodations e.g Hotels,Bed and Breakfasts(3 options)
b Flight(3 options)
4Package deals Page( 3 options)
a All inclusive
b Flight and Accommodation
c.Discount coupon
5.Links Page
a.Links to a minimun of 3 sites for each of the following with pics of each company's logo:
iii.cruise lines
iv.passport agencies
v.rental car agencies
6.Booking page(Guest Book)
a Customers can book their vacations on your site
b Modify the Guest Book page you caeated earline this semester
Your website must include the following pages:
1.Home Page:
a Name of travel agency
b Logo(e.g.Golden Arches)
c Slogan(e.g.I'm lovin'it)
2.Feature Festination Page
a.Name and Description of destination
b Dscription of activities available(skiing.sports,beaches,mountains)
c Pics to entice travellers
d Links (with oics)to 5 or more attraction
3.Accommodations and Filghts Page
a Accommodations e.g Hotels,Bed and Breakfasts(3 options)
b Flight(3 options)
4Package deals Page( 3 options)
a All inclusive
b Flight and Accommodation
c.Discount coupon
5.Links Page
a.Links to a minimun of 3 sites for each of the following with pics of each company's logo:
iii.cruise lines
iv.passport agencies
v.rental car agencies
6.Booking page(Guest Book)
a Customers can book their vacations on your site
b Modify the Guest Book page you caeated earline this semester
Your website must include the following pages:1.Home Page:主页a Name of travel agency 旅行社名称b Logo(e.g.Golden Arches) 标志(例如:黄金门)c Slogan(e.g.I'm lovin'it) 口号(例如:我就喜欢)2.Feature...
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