my ideal of a great manager for 21st century什么意思
“my ideal of a great manager for 21st century”这句话意思是我的理想是成为21世纪一个伟大的经理人么?还是我理想中的21世纪经理人是什么样子.写一个120字的英文作文,谁能帮忙给写写.
“my ideal of a great manager for 21st century”这句话意思是我的理想是成为21世纪一个伟大的经理人么?还是我理想中的21世纪经理人是什么样子.写一个120字的英文作文,谁能帮忙给写写.
My Ideal of a great Manager for 21st century
The ideal manager should create and maintain an internal environment,commonly called the organisation,so that others can work efficiently in it.A manager's job consists of planning,organising,directing,and controlling the resources of the organisation.These resources include people,jobs or positions,technology,facilities and equipment,materials and supplies,information,and money.
Managers work in a dynamic environment and must anticipate and adapt to challenges.The job of every manager involves what is known as the functions of management:planning,organising,directing,and controlling.These functions are goal-directed,interrelated and interdependent.
Planning involves devising a systematic process for attaining the goals of the organisation.It prepares the organisation for the future.Organising involves arranging the necessary resources to carry out the plan.It is the process of creating structure,establishing relationships,and allocating resources to accomplish the goals of the organisation.Directing involves the guiding,leading,and overseeing of the whole team.
The ideal manager should create and maintain an internal environment,commonly called the organisation,so that others can work efficiently in it.A manager's job consists of planning,organising,directing,and controlling the resources of the organisation.These resources include people,jobs or positions,technology,facilities and equipment,materials and supplies,information,and money.
Managers work in a dynamic environment and must anticipate and adapt to challenges.The job of every manager involves what is known as the functions of management:planning,organising,directing,and controlling.These functions are goal-directed,interrelated and interdependent.
Planning involves devising a systematic process for attaining the goals of the organisation.It prepares the organisation for the future.Organising involves arranging the necessary resources to carry out the plan.It is the process of creating structure,establishing relationships,and allocating resources to accomplish the goals of the organisation.Directing involves the guiding,leading,and overseeing of the whole team.
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