PM:Where do you acquire this library?
It's part of the ASP.NET AJAX,so you can just download it.We do provide it in two distinct pillars.One is as an MSI installer for Windows-based machines.But if I'm working on a Linux machine or a Mac,I can download a ZIP file that includes only the JavaScript libraries.One of the neat things about the Microsoft AJAX library itself is that we're going to license it under a derivative of the Microsoft permissive license,one of our shared source licenses that enables free distribution and user modifications.This is true to the open source model.
Anyone will be able to take the hundreds of thousands of lines of JavaScript that we've developed and be able to tweak them,customize them,redistribute them,commercialize them,whatever—we don't care.That's a benefit to me.It's also a big benefit to Microsoft's customers,who have control over their release and debug scripts.
PM:The specific is terrific,was a favorite mantra of one my grade-school teachers.Describe,briefly,a real-world app that ASP.NET AJAX makes possible.
Our Web platform story goes from the server all the way to the client.It covers the browser,the delivery mechanism for content,and the tools used to create that content.
But the best way to think about is in the context of interesting apps that are being created on this platform.For example,an interesting app I learned about recently is Shelfari.They call themselves a "rich media bookstore." It's a social networking site for bibliophiles.They can put their bookshelves online,write reviews,engage with their peers to discuss interesting books and topics,and so on.I think there's something like 100,000 books published a year.It's difficult to sift through that many books to find the ones you want.It's like e-mail or spam.How many of those books do you want to read?But you can have trusted peers,luminaries,people you can trust to help you to sift through this immense number of books to figure out titles that you might like to read.
You might read the NY Times,but you also might turn to a site like Shelfari; this site uses ASP.NET 2.0 and AJAX to enable a social connection.
PM:Where do you acquire this library?
It's part of the ASP.NET AJAX,so you can just download it.We do provide it in two distinct pillars.One is as an MSI installer for Windows-based machines.But if I'm working on a Linux machine or a Mac,I can download a ZIP file that includes only the JavaScript libraries.One of the neat things about the Microsoft AJAX library itself is that we're going to license it under a derivative of the Microsoft permissive license,one of our shared source licenses that enables free distribution and user modifications.This is true to the open source model.
Anyone will be able to take the hundreds of thousands of lines of JavaScript that we've developed and be able to tweak them,customize them,redistribute them,commercialize them,whatever—we don't care.That's a benefit to me.It's also a big benefit to Microsoft's customers,who have control over their release and debug scripts.
PM:The specific is terrific,was a favorite mantra of one my grade-school teachers.Describe,briefly,a real-world app that ASP.NET AJAX makes possible.
Our Web platform story goes from the server all the way to the client.It covers the browser,the delivery mechanism for content,and the tools used to create that content.
But the best way to think about is in the context of interesting apps that are being created on this platform.For example,an interesting app I learned about recently is Shelfari.They call themselves a "rich media bookstore." It's a social networking site for bibliophiles.They can put their bookshelves online,write reviews,engage with their peers to discuss interesting books and topics,and so on.I think there's something like 100,000 books published a year.It's difficult to sift through that many books to find the ones you want.It's like e-mail or spam.How many of those books do you want to read?But you can have trusted peers,luminaries,people you can trust to help you to sift through this immense number of books to figure out titles that you might like to read.
You might read the NY Times,but you also might turn to a site like Shelfari; this site uses ASP.NET 2.0 and AJAX to enable a social connection.
PM :ASP.NET在哪里适合入世界网2.0
Consider MySpace的例子.什么公司必须演讲是这个问题:什么是继续人回来到MySpace的强制的价值提议?它是用户经验,它是与同辈的互作用,是音乐和其他方式您能定做您的页.并且那,对我,是线上申请的下一代的精华.
Consider MySpace的例子.什么公司必须演讲是这个问题:什么是继续人回来到MySpace的强制的价值提议?它是用户经验,它是与同辈的互作用,是音乐和其他方式您能定做您的页.并且那,对我,是线上申请的下一代的精华.
- 1曲线y=2/x与直线y=x-1及x=4所围成的封闭图形的面积为_.
- 2如图所示电路中,电源两端电压为U,且保持不变.R1、R2和R3为三个定值电阻,已知R1=5Ω.当只闭合开关S2时,电流表的示数为0.3A,电路消耗的总功率为P;当三个开关都闭合时,电流表的示数变
- 3写家乡名人的作文,要聊城的名人,600字以上,
- 4已知A,B两点分别在直线y=x和y=-x上移动,若AB的绝对值等于4,则A,B的中点M的轨迹方程为?
- 5不锈钢过滤器的过滤精度为20U是什么意思?过滤网多少目和网孔大小什么关系?
- 64.8里有几个十分之一
- 7若关于x,y的多项式x的平方+2kxy-3y的平方+x-12不含xy,求k的三次方-1的值.
- 8冬天来了春天还会远吗 这是雪莱的名句 同时也是冬天的( )
- 9一个数除以4.75计算成乘4.75,结果得406.125.这道题的正确结果是多少
- 10修改病句:1-那是发生在小山村里的一个故事.2-这学期我校开展了“我为别人献爱心”的热潮.
- 1f(x)是定义在R上的偶函数,当x<0时,f(x)+x•f′(x)<0,且f(-4)=0,则不等式xf(x)>0的解集为_.
- 2两地相距360千米甲乙两辆汽车同时从两地出发相向而行3小时相遇甲乙2车的速度比为7:5甲车每小时行多少千米
- 3一个旅游团住进一家旅馆,如果每间住4人那么余下20人,如果每间住7人那么有一间不空也不满
- 4甲、乙二人同时从A地去B地,甲每分走60米,乙每分走90米,乙到达B地后立即返回.在离B地180米处与甲相遇.A、B两地相距( )米. A.900 B.720 C.540 D.1080
- 5什么装置可以收集氧气
- 6若有说明 int a[3][4],则对 a 数组元素的正确引用是
- 7这题数独怎么做急.//...为空格//
- 8指非常清楚的词语是什么
- 9in the US ,"give me five" or "give me the the high five" is a popular gesture.you can see it often
- 10英语翻译