话题是Why is it important to receive vaccinations when travelling to foreign countries or regions?
话题是Why is it important to receive vaccinations when travelling to foreign countries or regions?
The most important reason why receiving vaccinations before travelling aboard is that we may avoid local sickness.Vaccination can protect you against becoming infected with a range of serious diseases such as cholera,yellow feverand tick-borne encephalitis.
These vaccines are recommended to protect travelers from illnesses present in other parts of the world and to prevent the importation of infectious diseases across international borders.Which vaccinations you need depends on a number of factors including your destination,whether you will be spending time in rural areas,the season of the year you are traveling,your age,health status,and previous immunizations.
These vaccines are recommended to protect travelers from illnesses present in other parts of the world and to prevent the importation of infectious diseases across international borders.Which vaccinations you need depends on a number of factors including your destination,whether you will be spending time in rural areas,the season of the year you are traveling,your age,health status,and previous immunizations.
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