The long winter day off .翻译为漫长的冬季休假.写一篇英语作文.
My Happy Times During The Long Winter Day Off
I often go to see my grandma and grandpa during winter vacation.They are both seventy years old and live in the country happily.I can do many interesting things there with them.I am used to getting up early in the morning and breathing the fresh air in the countryside.After snow,I would like to skate and ski with my friends.When night comes,I am used to sit by the warm fire stove,listening to grandma telling me many funny anecdotes.And I tell her some new things happening in the city.I am always reluctant when we have to go back.It is really enjoyable to live in the countryside.
I often go to see my grandma and grandpa during winter vacation.They are both seventy years old and live in the country happily.I can do many interesting things there with them.I am used to getting up early in the morning and breathing the fresh air in the countryside.After snow,I would like to skate and ski with my friends.When night comes,I am used to sit by the warm fire stove,listening to grandma telling me many funny anecdotes.And I tell her some new things happening in the city.I am always reluctant when we have to go back.It is really enjoyable to live in the countryside.
- 1climbed he hill a week last the is the giraffe tallest 连词成句
- 2步行九分之八千米要六分之一小时,照这样的速度,步行1小时要()小时,1小时能步行()千米?
- 3每自比于管仲、乐毅,时人莫之许也.现代汉语意思?
- 4甲、乙、丙三个粮仓共存粮80吨,已知甲、乙两仓存粮数之比是1:2;乙、丙两仓存粮数之比是1:2.5,求甲、乙、丙三仓各存粮多少吨?
- 5The efficiency and effectiveness是单数还是负数
- 6把一个棱长1分米的正方木块锯成棱长1cm的正方体木块摆成一列长度是多少米
- 7π=?(谁知道啊3.1415926.)
- 8(2001/2002)的2001次方乘以2001大于一还是小于一 给出理由
- 9文言文《醉翁亭记》在线等,
- 10已知随机变量 X~N(0,1),Y~N(1,4),并且 X 与 Y 相互独立,计算 E(X+2Y), E(XY)和 D(X-2Y).
- 1AD、CE是三角形ABC的两条高,AB=12cm,AD=10cm,CE=9cm,求BC的长
- 2六年级少先队员占全体学生的4/5,后又有50人入队,这时少先队员占全体学生的5/6,求原少先队员人数
- 3瓢虫的战术,短文主要向我们介绍了什么
- 4由于地球自转还是公转
- 5(47-25)乘(9+15)的简便算法
- 6-块正方形的麦田,边长200米,平均每公顷收小麦650千克,这块麦田能收小麦多少千克?
- 7修一条长800米的路,第一天修全长5分之1,第二天修了全长4分之1,还剩多少米
- 8要把边长为1CM一个正方形水池完全覆盖,至少要做一个半径为多少的圆池覆盖
- 9剑桥雅思6 test4听力答案
- 10已知P²-2P-5=0,5q²+2q-1=0,P,q 为实数,且P≠1/q² 求 P²+1/q²的值