英语介绍酒店 作文
用英语介绍一 个 酒店内部,用的单词别太 难了 ,
用英语介绍一 个 酒店内部,用的单词别太 难了 ,
1、Yuan Hongdao hotel is the best hotel that I have stayed in
.Although it isn't too big,many travelers like it.Not only it is very economy,but also it to make travelers feel at home.And service is very great,too.The provision of travel plans and free breafast for guest.At same time,master is so friendly and passion ,therefore,he has many friends and guests.Then,every room is specially and local in there.Because there have much entertainment,you don't care about staying here is boring.If you don't know how to spend your free time,there,is a good choose
.Although it isn't too big,many travelers like it.Not only it is very economy,but also it to make travelers feel at home.And service is very great,too.The provision of travel plans and free breafast for guest.At same time,master is so friendly and passion ,therefore,he has many friends and guests.Then,every room is specially and local in there.Because there have much entertainment,you don't care about staying here is boring.If you don't know how to spend your free time,there,is a good choose
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- 2如图,将矩形ABCD沿直线AE折叠,顶点D恰好落在BC边上F点处,已知CE=3cm,AB=8cm,求图中阴影部分的面积.
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- 5In fact ,there _______ as much sunshine in spring as in summer .A.can B.can be C.have
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- 9想要小学一年级能讲的英语故事稿.越简单短好.谢谢
- 10以什么来了为题写作文
- 1德语第二格形容词词尾变化问题.
- 2为什么大雾天气都是晴天
- 3为什么人在饿的时候胰岛A细胞产生的激素的主要作用是促进肝糖原的分解
- 4一个胶水瓶(如图),它的瓶身呈圆柱形(不包括瓶颈),容积为32.4立方厘米.当瓶子正放时,瓶内胶水液高为8厘米,瓶子倒放是,空余部分高为2厘米.请你算一算,瓶内胶水的体积是多少立方厘米?
- 515的因数有哪些?15是哪些数的倍数
- 6怎么背英语课文,是根据汉语意思背还是怎么?
- 7There are less than 75,000 Tibetan antelopes left in the world ,down from a million 50years ago 翻译
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- 10三十九个1又3分之2与三十九的十三分之二之和是多少?