Robots can do almost everything for people now.Here is a good example.Lying in the hospital room
Robots can do almost everything for people now.Here is a good example.Lying in the hospital room,13-year-old Achim Nurse pushed an orange button(按钮) with one of his f .Half a second later,in a classroom,a 5-foot-tall robot put up its hand.“Do you have a question.Achim?” said the t .Achim was using a p (3) of robotsone was Mr.Spike,at his bedside,and the other was Mrs.Candy,in the classroomto keep up with his school work for the months when he s (4) in hospital.The robots work in pairs.The one at Achim’s bedside showed the p (5) of the classroom.Achim could see the teacher,his desk,the blackboard,a map of the United States and the clock.He could a (6) hear what the teacher said.The other was in the b (7) of the classroom.Its “face” aimed at the teacher.Its display showed Achim in his bed.If he was looking out of the window,the teacher would k (8) it U (9) the buttons on t
Robots can do almost everything for people now.Here is a good example.Lying in the hospital room,13-year-old Achim Nurse pushed an orange button(按钮) with one of his f .Half a second later,in a classroom,a 5-foot-tall robot put up its hand.“Do you have a question.Achim?” said the t .Achim was using a p (3) of robotsone was Mr.Spike,at his bedside,and the other was Mrs.Candy,in the classroomto keep up with his school work for the months when he s (4) in hospital.The robots work in pairs.The one at Achim’s bedside showed the p (5) of the classroom.Achim could see the teacher,his desk,the blackboard,a map of the United States and the clock.He could a (6) hear what the teacher said.The other was in the b (7) of the classroom.Its “face” aimed at the teacher.Its display showed Achim in his bed.If he was looking out of the window,the teacher would k (8) it U (9) the buttons on t
fingers teacher pair stayed picture almost back keep using turning 仅供参考
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