all payments to you hereunder shall made net,free,and clear of any deduction,taxs,withholdings,or other charges whatsoever and if we are reqyired by law to make any such deduction or withholdings ,the sum paid to you thereafter will be increased to the extent necessary that,after making such deduction or withholding you shall receive a net sum equal to the sum you would have received had no such withholding or deduction been made.
this standby letter of credit is subject to uniform custioms and practice for documentary .
上述里面made 前面加 be。reqyired为 required custioms 为 costom,
all payments to you hereunder shall made net,free,and clear of any deduction,taxs,withholdings,or other charges whatsoever and if we are reqyired by law to make any such deduction or withholdings ,the sum paid to you thereafter will be increased to the extent necessary that,after making such deduction or withholding you shall receive a net sum equal to the sum you would have received had no such withholding or deduction been made.
this standby letter of credit is subject to uniform custioms and practice for documentary .
上述里面made 前面加 be。reqyired为 required custioms 为 costom,
本协议项下的所有支付你方款项应为除去 任何明确扣减,缴税,扣缴,或其他相关费用 的净现值.如依照相关法律进行相关扣减或扣缴后,此后支付你方款项可能有必要增加,或者说,经过上述扣除或预扣之后,你会收到净额相当于 ...
- 12000-1+9*111*999=?(要简便)
- 24x+2(8-x)=26(求未知数x的值)
- 3一些标有数字且有顺序的卡片,后一张卡片上的数是前一张卡片上的数的2倍.小明拿到了相邻的3张卡片,且卡片上的数之和为595,小明拿到的卡片上的书分别是多少?
- 4I think it is the most bored TV show.这个句子哪里有错误
- 5“渔夫”的正确读音!
- 6一个5位数,左边三位数是右边两位数的5倍.诺把右边的两位数移到前面
- 7李师傅生产一个零件用二分之一小时,张师傅生产同一个零件用三分之一小时.李师
- 8在生活中应当怎样追求的人生境界?
- 9在word中,如何画平面直角坐标系,或空间直角坐标系,并在其上画图.
- 10When we were young ,every evening my brother and I ____stay at home waiting for our mother
- 1光明村今年每百户拥有彩电121台,比去年增加66台,去年每百户拥有彩电多少台?今年比去年增加了百分之几?
- 2函数y=sin(x-π /4)在[-3π/4,π/4]上的单调减区间
- 3羚羊木雕中,原文题目是反悔,又改成羚羊木雕,你认为哪个好
- 4从1~9这九个数字中,任取三个数排成三位数,求所得三位数中国含有2且是5的倍数的概率?
- 5一个圆柱的底面半径是5cm,侧面展开是正方形,这个圆柱体的表面积是多少?今晚要
- 6求名字“霖霞”二字合在一起的含义
- 7You why so scoid her
- 8如图所示为某一质点运动的位移-时间图象,图线为一段圆弧,则下列说法正确的是( ) A.质点运动的速度先增大后减小 B.质点一定做直线运动 C.质点可能做圆周运动 D.t 时刻质点离开出
- 9为什么说受静摩擦力作用的物体不一定静止,受滑动摩擦力作用的物体不一定运动
- 10【sure thing】怎么念?