With the development of the times,cars are more and more Every coin has its two sides!There are both good points and bad points!
Cars are popular forms of transportation nowadays!It makes us get to the place where we want to go fast and dependable!It can prctect from rain ,snow and sun!Cars are also have many colors ,sizes and shapes!
It also takes us some problems!We need to make land for highway,parking lot!And the most important problem is the air pollution!With the pollution we can not take the fresh air.
We should solve the problem.Some carmakers have invented battery-operated car I think it is very good for us!
With the development of the times,cars are more and more Every coin has its two sides!There are both good points and bad points!
Cars are popular forms of transportation nowadays!It makes us get to the place where we want to go fast and dependable!It can prctect from rain ,snow and sun!Cars are also have many colors ,sizes and shapes!
It also takes us some problems!We need to make land for highway,parking lot!And the most important problem is the air pollution!With the pollution we can not take the fresh air.
We should solve the problem.Some carmakers have invented battery-operated car I think it is very good for us!
不知道行不行 My basic views of cars
- 1某项工程,甲单独做需36天完成,乙单独做需45天完成.如果开工时甲,乙两队合做,中途甲队退出转做新的工程,那么乙队又做了18天才完成任务.甲队干了_天.
- 2怎样用鞠躬尽瘁.兢兢业业.高风亮节.名垂千古造句
- 3微生物科学家弗莱明在研究化脓杆菌的过程中,在培养葡萄球菌的培养基上发现了一块青霉菌造成的霉斑,在这块霉斑上竟没有细菌的踪迹.他随即进一步研究发现青霉菌分泌的一种物质能
- 4将10mL 18.4mol/L的浓H2SO4稀释成100mL,则此稀H2SO4溶液的浓度为多少mol/L?
- 5limx趋于0 tan2x/x怎么求极限?
- 6氢气压力,温度和体积的关系
- 7已知,如图,OA,OB是圆O的半径,M,N分别是OA,OB的中点,点C是弧AB的中点,求证:MC=NC
- 8QC 具体是做什么工作?
- 9将24.4克氢氧化钠容于水,配置成100毫升溶液,其密度为1.219克每升.这是为什么?密度等于质量除以体积,
- 10要二元一次方程 快
- 1已知圆O的半径为R,由直径AB的端点B作圆的切线,从圆周上任意一点P引该线的垂线,垂足为M,连接AP,记AP=x.(1)写出AP+2PM关于x的函数关系式. (2)求该函数的值域.
- 21.用某数分别去除以47和75,结果都余5,问某数最小是几?最大是几?
- 3我是小孩.谁能讲个故事给我听
- 4日行一善手抄报怎么做
- 5小学四年级语文下册11课是说明文吗
- 6解方程:7x/(1/2)=3/5
- 7淮安市与连云港距120千米,甲乙两辆汽车同时从两地相向开出,三分之四小时相遇.甲乙两车速度比是4:5,甲乙
- 8白居易的诗歌风格如何
- 9已知函数f(x)=a^2-3x(a>0,且a不等于1)
- 10关于相对论E=MC2,质能关系的两种论点,哪种是对的?物理高手才进!