当前位置: > 向帮助过你的老师表示感谢的情景对话,英语的要怎么写啊...


A: Hey Miss Sparrow, do you have a moment?
B: Sure, come on in. Take a seat Stella.
A: Thanks Miss Sparrow.
B: What can I do for you today, Stella?
A: It is almost the end of the semester and I would like to drop by to express my gratitute.
B: Ou, what have I done? Is everything alright?
A: Miss Sparrow, the last semester was difficult for me, I never thought I would be able to understand trigonometry, not in my wildest dream to pass on it. But result came out a couple of days ago and I did it! I passed! and it makes me realize that I have you to thank because you have never gave up on me no matter how lost i seemed to be.
B: No, Stella, you did great on your own, I was just there to give you a push.
A: See Miss Sparrow, you trust in me, you gave me the confidence to pull it through and that means more than anything for a person with low self esteem like me, so yes, you've helped me a lot and you've changed my life, thank you so much Miss Sparrow.
B: Aww... That is so sweet of you Stella. Thank you! I am glad that I am able to help. Though this semester is ending soon, however if you have any issues in the future, you are more than welcome to look for me.
A: Thanks Miss Sparrow! I really appreciate it!
B: Anytime, sweetie.
A: Alright, I got to run, speak to you soon!
B: Take care and be good Stella.
A: I will, and thank you once again. Good bye!
B: Good bye.
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