[The poet Claude McKay was a native of Jamaica who
spent most of his life in the United States but writing]
some of his poems in the Jamaican dialect.
(A) The poet Claude McKay was a native of Jamaica
who spent most of his life in the United States
but writing
(B) Being that he was a Jamaican who spent
most of his life in the United States,the
poet Claude McKay writing
(C) Although a native of Jamaica,the poet Claude
McKay spent most of his life in the United
States,he wrote
(D) Although the poet Claude McKay spent
most of his life in the United States,he
was a native of Jamaica and wrote
(E) Because he was a native of Jamaica who spent
most of his life in the United States,the poet
Claude McKay writing
[The poet Claude McKay was a native of Jamaica who
spent most of his life in the United States but writing]
some of his poems in the Jamaican dialect.
(A) The poet Claude McKay was a native of Jamaica
who spent most of his life in the United States
but writing
(B) Being that he was a Jamaican who spent
most of his life in the United States,the
poet Claude McKay writing
(C) Although a native of Jamaica,the poet Claude
McKay spent most of his life in the United
States,he wrote
(D) Although the poet Claude McKay spent
most of his life in the United States,he
was a native of Jamaica and wrote
(E) Because he was a native of Jamaica who spent
most of his life in the United States,the poet
Claude McKay writing
- 1已知M+N分之MN=2,求-m+3mn-n分之3m-5mn+3n
- 2新课标对语法教学的二级目标要求:1、知道名词有单复数形式;2、知道主要人称代词的区别.译成英文,
- 32011年7月28日,我国研制的“蛟龙”号载人潜水器下潜深度达到了5188m.在下潜过程中,“蛟龙”号受到海水对它的压强不断_(变大/变小/不变),因此,应该选择硬度更_的材料制作舱壁.
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- 2多用电表最小分度是1,2,5的要怎么乱七八糟的读数是什么东西,为什么这么读
- 3照例子把所属事物写出来:例:笔墨纸砚——(文具) 1.酸甜苦辣——( ) 2.楼堂馆所——( ) 3.
- 4对于任意两个实数对(a,b)和(c,d),规定:当且仅当a=c且b=d时,(a,b)=(c,d).定义运算“⊕”:(a,b)⊕(c,d)=(ac-bd,ad+bc).若(1,2)⊕(p,q)=(5,0
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