1.根据所给单词的适当形式填空 2.根据首字母填空
1.Gases from cars making the air dirty.___ (1) from factories is polluting the rivers.But things may be quite ___ (2) in Dongtan.Dongtan is the world’s first environmentally ___ (3) city.It is on Chongming Island,near Shanghai,and it will be ready in 2030.
Green traffic
The city’s ___ (4) will be around by shops,post offices,schools and hospitals.People need’t have to go far every day.Most people will be glad to walk or ___ (5) to work and school instead of driving.There will also be much ___ (6) bicycle paths and walkways than in other cities.Buses in the city will try to ___ (7) batteries and won’t give off any black gases.
Green houses
Building will be less than eight stories ___ (8) and have lots of plants on the rooftops.In summer,the plants should ___ (9) keep homes and offices cool and save on air-conditioning.A sea wind power station will be built up soon so that the city will produce ___ (10) own clean energy.
1.Gases from cars making the air dirty.___ (1) from factories is polluting the rivers.But things may be quite ___ (2) in Dongtan.Dongtan is the world’s first environmentally ___ (3) city.It is on Chongming Island,near Shanghai,and it will be ready in 2030.
Green traffic
The city’s ___ (4) will be around by shops,post offices,schools and hospitals.People need’t have to go far every day.Most people will be glad to walk or ___ (5) to work and school instead of driving.There will also be much ___ (6) bicycle paths and walkways than in other cities.Buses in the city will try to ___ (7) batteries and won’t give off any black gases.
Green houses
Building will be less than eight stories ___ (8) and have lots of plants on the rooftops.In summer,the plants should ___ (9) keep homes and offices cool and save on air-conditioning.A sea wind power station will be built up soon so that the city will produce ___ (10) own clean energy.
1.Gases from cars making the air dirty._Wastes__ (1) from factories is polluting the rivers.But things may be quite _different__ (2) in Dongtan.Dongtan is the world’s first environmentally _friendly_...
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