Encounter the flames to teach you ten strokes " " hedge
The two main aspects of the casualties caused by fire: one is the smoke gas suffocation, two is the flame burns and powerful radiation. As long as it can avoid or reduce the two harm, can protect their safety, alleviate the damage. Therefore, multi master some fire self-help tips, difficulties may can gain second life.
1 fire self-help, always pay attention to escape Road
The structure of each person on their own work, study or living building and escape path to do to understand somewhat, must be familiar with the method of building fire facilities and self rescue escape. So, when the fire occurs, it will not be driven into a corner. When you are in unfamiliar environment, be sure to watch the evacuation routes, safety exit and staircase position, so that the key to flee the scene as soon as possible.
2 put out a small fire, benefit others and themselves
When there is a fire, if the fire is small, and not to cause great threat, should make full use of the surrounding fire equipment, such as fire extinguishers, fire hydrant facilities will be small, put out the fire control. Don't be confound at their directions, or the others to disregard and self-centered "sneak out", or buy small fire had inflicted on lead.
3 caught fire, keep calm speed evacuated
Suddenly faced with smoke and fire, must keep calm, quickly judge dangerous place and safe place, decided to escape to evacuate Xiande as soon as possible. Don't blindly follow the flow of people and pushing each other, blunt rampant. Only cool, to come up with a good solution.
4 as soon as possible out of the woods, cherish life Liancai Mo
In a fire, life is more than money. The danger, escape is heavy, must seize every minute and second, remember not money.
5 rapid evacuation, crawl Mo standing
In the evacuation of fire site, when the smoke, the line of sight is not clear, makes you breathless, don't stand up and walk, should quickly climbed on the ground or squat down, to find out the way to escape.
6 use channel, only take the lift
When a fire occurs, can use the stairs safety export outside, still can use buildings balcony, windowsill, sunroof, climb to a safe location around, or along the ground, lightning conductor structure projections slide down the stairs.
7 fireworks besieged, hedge adherence to do it
When the escape routes cut and a short time when no rescue, can adopt find or create shelter, adherence to the kind of way. First of all should be vital to meet the fire doors, fire open back door, with a wet towel, wet cloth under water wet quilt or blocked by doors and windows, and then keep water drenching room, prevent smoke infiltration, adherence to aid.
8 jump off building art, life insurance and to not harm
Many people choose to jump off building fire escape. Jump off building to speak skills, jump off building should be central to the life-saving air jump or select a pool, soft awning, meadow direction jump; if possible, try to embrace some quilts, sofa cushion loose items or open large umbrella jump, in order to reduce the impact force.
9 fire and oneself, on-site stampedes roll Mo
The fire his clothes caught on fire, should be to try to take off clothes or roll over on the ground, put out the flames; can promptly jumped into the water or let a person to water, spray extinguisher is more effective.
10 the danger, self-help MO forget save others
Any person who finds a fire, should as soon as possible to dial "119" telephone call, promptly to report a fire.
Encounter the flames to teach you ten strokes " " hedge
The two main aspects of the casualties caused by fire: one is the smoke gas suffocation, two is the flame burns and powerful radiation. As long as it can avoid or reduce the two harm, can protect their safety, alleviate the damage. Therefore, multi master some fire self-help tips, difficulties may can gain second life.
1 fire self-help, always pay attention to escape Road
The structure of each person on their own work, study or living building and escape path to do to understand somewhat, must be familiar with the method of building fire facilities and self rescue escape. So, when the fire occurs, it will not be driven into a corner. When you are in unfamiliar environment, be sure to watch the evacuation routes, safety exit and staircase position, so that the key to flee the scene as soon as possible.
2 put out a small fire, benefit others and themselves
When there is a fire, if the fire is small, and not to cause great threat, should make full use of the surrounding fire equipment, such as fire extinguishers, fire hydrant facilities will be small, put out the fire control. Don't be confound at their directions, or the others to disregard and self-centered "sneak out", or buy small fire had inflicted on lead.
3 caught fire, keep calm speed evacuated
Suddenly faced with smoke and fire, must keep calm, quickly judge dangerous place and safe place, decided to escape to evacuate Xiande as soon as possible. Don't blindly follow the flow of people and pushing each other, blunt rampant. Only cool, to come up with a good solution.
4 as soon as possible out of the woods, cherish life Liancai Mo
In a fire, life is more than money. The danger, escape is heavy, must seize every minute and second, remember not money.
5 rapid evacuation, crawl Mo standing
In the evacuation of fire site, when the smoke, the line of sight is not clear, makes you breathless, don't stand up and walk, should quickly climbed on the ground or squat down, to find out the way to escape.
6 use channel, only take the lift
When a fire occurs, can use the stairs safety export outside, still can use buildings balcony, windowsill, sunroof, climb to a safe location around, or along the ground, lightning conductor structure projections slide down the stairs.
7 fireworks besieged, hedge adherence to do it
When the escape routes cut and a short time when no rescue, can adopt find or create shelter, adherence to the kind of way. First of all should be vital to meet the fire doors, fire open back door, with a wet towel, wet cloth under water wet quilt or blocked by doors and windows, and then keep water drenching room, prevent smoke infiltration, adherence to aid.
8 jump off building art, life insurance and to not harm
Many people choose to jump off building fire escape. Jump off building to speak skills, jump off building should be central to the life-saving air jump or select a pool, soft awning, meadow direction jump; if possible, try to embrace some quilts, sofa cushion loose items or open large umbrella jump, in order to reduce the impact force.
9 fire and oneself, on-site stampedes roll Mo
The fire his clothes caught on fire, should be to try to take off clothes or roll over on the ground, put out the flames; can promptly jumped into the water or let a person to water, spray extinguisher is more effective.
10 the danger, self-help MO forget save others
Any person who finds a fire, should as soon as possible to dial "119" telephone call, promptly to report a fire.
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