Who’s GotTalent?
Everyone isgood at something,but some people are truly talented.
It’s always interesting to watch other people showtheir talents.
Talent shows are getting more and more popular.First,there were shows like American Idol and America’s Got Talent.Now,there aresimilar shows around the world,such as China’s Got Talent.
All theseshows have one thing in common:they try to look for the best singers,the mosttalented dancers,the most exciting magicians,the funniest actors and so on.All kinds of people join these shows.But who can play the piano the best orsing the most beautifully?That’s up to you to decide.When people watch thethe show,they usually play a role in deciding the winner.And the winneralways gets a very good prize.
However,not everybody enjoys watching these shows.Somethink that the lives of the performers are made up.For example,some people saythey are poor farmers,but in fact they are just actors.However,
Who’s GotTalent?
Everyone isgood at something,but some people are truly talented.
It’s always interesting to watch other people showtheir talents.
Talent shows are getting more and more popular.First,there were shows like American Idol and America’s Got Talent.Now,there aresimilar shows around the world,such as China’s Got Talent.
All theseshows have one thing in common:they try to look for the best singers,the mosttalented dancers,the most exciting magicians,the funniest actors and so on.All kinds of people join these shows.But who can play the piano the best orsing the most beautifully?That’s up to you to decide.When people watch thethe show,they usually play a role in deciding the winner.And the winneralways gets a very good prize.
However,not everybody enjoys watching these shows.Somethink that the lives of the performers are made up.For example,some people saythey are poor farmers,but in fact they are just actors.However,
分析如下,详阅:Who’s GotTalent?Everyone is good at something, but some people are truly talented.It’s always interesting to watch other people show their talents.【It‘s+adj+to do sth It形式主语】Ta...
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