Neither Party may transfer all or any part of its rights or obligations under this Agreement to any third party without the prior written consent of the other Party.Notwithstanding the foregoing,any Party may transfer all or any part of its rights or obligations under this Agreement to an Affiliate,provided that (i) such Affiliate accepts in writing the terms of this Agreement and accepts the transfer of rights and assumes the transfer of obligations to the extent of the transfer; and (ii) such Affiliate makes,as of the date of effectiveness of such assignment,the representations set forth herein that were made by the assigning Party as of the Signature Date,and such transfer shall not adversely affect in any way the rights of the Parties under this Agreement or any ancillary document executed pursuant hereto; and iii) the assigning Party shall remain jointly and severally liable for the due compliance by the Affiliate with all obligations (originally) imposed on the assigning
Neither Party may transfer all or any part of its rights or obligations under this Agreement to any third party without the prior written consent of the other Party.Notwithstanding the foregoing,any Party may transfer all or any part of its rights or obligations under this Agreement to an Affiliate,provided that (i) such Affiliate accepts in writing the terms of this Agreement and accepts the transfer of rights and assumes the transfer of obligations to the extent of the transfer; and (ii) such Affiliate makes,as of the date of effectiveness of such assignment,the representations set forth herein that were made by the assigning Party as of the Signature Date,and such transfer shall not adversely affect in any way the rights of the Parties under this Agreement or any ancillary document executed pursuant hereto; and iii) the assigning Party shall remain jointly and severally liable for the due compliance by the Affiliate with all obligations (originally) imposed on the assigning
不仅是英语,还牵涉到法律..你给的分实在太少!在事先未经另一方签署书面协定时,任何一方 不得向第三方转让本协议下的所有或部分权利或责任.尽管上述协定如此,任何一方仍有权向加盟成员转让本协定的所有或部分权利及责...
- 1为什么长河指黄河
- 2应用题:8千克青豆和9千克菠菜共值16.8元,9千克青豆和8千克菠菜共值17.2元.求青
- 3您好!非常感谢您的回答,我还想问您碳酸钡溶于盐酸了是什么颜色啊.我这边是青色的?
- 4英语..2道 give me help~
- 5诗句“爆竹声中一岁除,春风送暖入屠苏”描述的是我国哪个传统节日?
- 6怎么改实义动词(do,does)的一般疑问句、回答、否定句?
- 7表面积为23的正八面体的各个顶点都在同一个球面上,则此球的体积为 _ .
- 8要么赶紧死,要么精彩的活 这句话的正确英文翻译是什么?
- 9小明在上学期期末考试时,语文得了80分,体育得了84分,美术得了82分,科学得了92分,数学成绩比这五科的平均成绩多6分.小明的数学成绩是多少分?
- 10有3个数A.B.C,A和B的平均数是15,B和C的平均数是19,A和C的平均数是17,求这3个数
- 1垂体的细胞膜上存在多中激素受体么?
- 2英语翻译
- 3甲乙两人在周长是400米的环形跑道上跑步,
- 4清塘荷韵(节选) 为什么说“天地萌生万物,对包括人在内的动 、植物等有生命的东西,总是赋予一种极其惊
- 5设过点P(x,y)的直线分别与x轴的正半轴和y轴的正半轴交于A、B两点 o为坐标原点若向量BP=1/2 向量PA,且向量OP·向量AB=1则P点的轨迹方程是A3x²-3/2y²=1
- 6几道代数式题目
- 7求《钢铁是怎样炼成的》主要内容及感想
- 8在正方形ABCD和正方形OEFG中,点A和点F的坐标分别为
- 9已知三角形ABC的内角B=60°,且 1/cosA + 1/cosC=-2倍根号2,则cos[(A-C)/2]=?
- 10小明期末考试中,语、数两科平均成绩是93分,语、数、英三科平均成绩是95分,她的英语成绩是多少分?