Martin HARVEYThe largest of the great apes,the gorilla is among our most endangered species.Having endured decades of civil war in Central and East Africa,gorillas are confronted by the devastating consequences of increased habitat loss,poaching for the bushmeat trade and the spread of dangerous diseases like Ebola.
While the efforts to safeguard the different subspecies are meeting with varied levels of success,each remains a conservation priority for WWF.On the cusp of extinction prior to the hundredth anniversary of its discovery,the mountain gorilla population,which now totals more than 700 individuals,is beginning a slow increase,thanks to a dedicated effort and sound conservation initiatives.But the western lowland gorilla,the most numerous and widespread of the four subspecies,faces a severe Ebola crisis which,recent reports show,has caused a 56 percent decline in population across its range,with some of the hardest hit areas suffering even more.
WWF continues to work in the field and engage its conservation partners in order to address these threats and protect this wondrous and endangered species.Together,we can provide a more secure future for the gorilla.
While the efforts to safeguard the different subspecies are meeting with varied levels of success,each remains a conservation priority for WWF.On the cusp of extinction prior to the hundredth anniversary of its discovery,the mountain gorilla population,which now totals more than 700 individuals,is beginning a slow increase,thanks to a dedicated effort and sound conservation initiatives.But the western lowland gorilla,the most numerous and widespread of the four subspecies,faces a severe Ebola crisis which,recent reports show,has caused a 56 percent decline in population across its range,with some of the hardest hit areas suffering even more.
WWF continues to work in the field and engage its conservation partners in order to address these threats and protect this wondrous and endangered species.Together,we can provide a more secure future for the gorilla.
- 1已知x的平方y的值是2则(5x的平方+5xy-7x)-4x的平方y+5xy-7x)的值是
- 2关于粒子物理的标准模型
- 3诗词改字的翻译
- 4已知五个数a,2,3,4,5的平均数等于3,则数a及这五个数的方差分别是( ) A.1和2 B.2和6.2 C.1和10 D.1和3
- 5一辆汽车从A地驶往B地,前1/3路段为普通公路,其余路段为高速公路.已知汽车在普通公路上行驶的速度为60km/h,在高速公路上行驶的速度为100km/h,汽车从A地到B地一共行驶了2.2h.求普通公路
- 6一个教室的长是8米,宽是6米,高是4米,要粉刷教室的四壁和平顶,除去门窗和黑板面积24平方米,粉刷的面积是多少平方米?
- 7谁能给我两条关于健康的英语谚语,急需!
- 8当x∈[-1,1]时,函数f(x)=3x-2的值域是_.
- 9一个铜球,质量为3.2Kg,而体积为420 cm3,则此球是空心的还是实心的?若为空心的,空心部分的体积为多少?若将空心部分注满铅,则此球的总质量为多少?(已知铅的密度为11.3×103 Kg/m3,
- 102000公顷的土地等于多少亩地?
- 11、log根号3的1/27等于多少过程 2、log(根号2-1)的(3+2根号2)等于
- 2前不见古人,后不见来者.这句诗中有两个“不见”,它们表达的情感有何不同?相同:不同:
- 3以亲情为话题的 小标题作文 (我参考一下就可以)
- 4已知△ABC是圆O的内接正三角形,△ABC的面积等于a,DEFG是半圆O的内接正方形,面积等于b,则a/b的值
- 5介绍一种玻璃 作文
- 6为什么作者说 从读书中我得到了做人处世的独立思考的大道理,这都是从‘修身’课本中所得不道的?鸡冻Ing
- 7英语翻译
- 8两个数50,70分别分解素因数后,发现---------是它们公共的素因数
- 9设a为实数,函数f(x)=x平方=(x-a)的绝对值+1的定义域为[2,正无穷)
- 10将amolFeS与bmolFeO投入V升的HNO3中恰好反应,生成NO气体且生成Fe(NO3)3与H2SO4,求消耗了多少MOL硝酸