英语作文-outdoor activities暗暗
饿 英语作文-outdoor activities
饿 英语作文-outdoor activities
internet has been playing an important role in our daily life since the the end of last century.
people can find almost any information they want on internet,such as the latest movies,news,games even buying something.
buying books online is popular nowadays.it means you can have your favourite books ordered without leaving home just by clicking on the icons on some websites which sell books and are responsible to deliever books to you.
Obviously,it's more convenient to those who are alwasys busy and seldom have spare time for outdoor activities,especially for the people with physical disabilities and the olds.
High-teches make our life easier and simpler.just make most of them and have your wonderful time.
people can find almost any information they want on internet,such as the latest movies,news,games even buying something.
buying books online is popular nowadays.it means you can have your favourite books ordered without leaving home just by clicking on the icons on some websites which sell books and are responsible to deliever books to you.
Obviously,it's more convenient to those who are alwasys busy and seldom have spare time for outdoor activities,especially for the people with physical disabilities and the olds.
High-teches make our life easier and simpler.just make most of them and have your wonderful time.
- 1the students is /are
- 2一个圆柱体的侧面积是100cm²,底面半径是3cm,它的体积是多少立方厘米?
- 3用所给单词的适当形式填空:( )(not climb) the tree.It is too high.
- 4I live on Green Road 里面那个是Be动词,把它改成否定句怎么改?
- 51.We need to do our()[homework]now.
- 6在矩形ABCD中,对角线AC=10(AB>BC),点B到AC的距离为4,E、F是对角线AC上两个动点,它们分别从点A、点C同时出发,沿对角线以1厘米/秒的相同速度运动,过E作EH⊥AC交Rt△ACD的
- 7一个不规容内装有某种液体,容器底面积是20平方厘米,液体对容器底的压强为1800帕,液体深20厘米,
- 8怎么样通过标准曲线得到线性回归方程
- 9试用静电场环路定理证明在静电平衡的空腔导体内部场强处处为零
- 10某汽车的散热器用水作冷却剂,已知水的比热容为4.2乘10的3次方焦每千克摄氏度,散热器中水的质量为5kg,水的温度升高10摄氏度时吸收的热量是多少焦
- 1(5/23+4/27)*23*27的简便算法
- 2我们昨天去超市买了一些东西.英文翻译
- 3谁能解释下什么是元素的游离态和化合态
- 4关于how to do it what to do
- 5海水被蒸发变云后,怎么会变成淡水下雨?
- 6“不可计数”这个词中的数有人说读第四声,有人说读第三声,究竟该怎么读呢?
- 71、水果店运来2/5吨水果,卖掉4/5后,还剩几分之几?还剩多少吨?2、在一块长是15米,宽是28米的长方形地铺一层4厘米厚的沙土.(1)需要多少沙土?(2)一辆汽车每次运来1.5立方米的沙土,一共要
- 8the end of would like to
- 94.25×68 的积是几位小数
- 10排比句 生命是什么?生命就是一种付出,把自己的青春与热情无偿地献给祖国,为祖国的繁荣富强添砖加瓦.还