A man was mending a street lamp阅读题,
A man was mending a street lamp when he saw a pretty young woman and three children get into a car which was in the garden of a house near him.He saw that the car had a flat tyre,and tried to warn the woman,but it was too late—she was already driving the car out of the garden,and into the busy street.When she had got there,she stopped the car at the side of the street,got out and looked at the flat tyre.The children stayed in the car.Very soon another car stopped,and the driver offered to help her.The young woman accepted his offer,and the man changed the tyre for her.
When she had thanked him and he had gone,she drove the car back into the garden,got out with the children and went back to her work in the house –with clean hands.
( )1.This story is mainly about _________.
A.a man who was mending a street lamp B.a man who offered help to a pretty young lady
C.a pretty young lady who had her car repaired D.three children who stayed
A man was mending a street lamp when he saw a pretty young woman and three children get into a car which was in the garden of a house near him.He saw that the car had a flat tyre,and tried to warn the woman,but it was too late—she was already driving the car out of the garden,and into the busy street.When she had got there,she stopped the car at the side of the street,got out and looked at the flat tyre.The children stayed in the car.Very soon another car stopped,and the driver offered to help her.The young woman accepted his offer,and the man changed the tyre for her.
When she had thanked him and he had gone,she drove the car back into the garden,got out with the children and went back to her work in the house –with clean hands.
( )1.This story is mainly about _________.
A.a man who was mending a street lamp B.a man who offered help to a pretty young lady
C.a pretty young lady who had her car repaired D.three children who stayed
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- 4“对于任意给定的正整数n,必存在连续的n个自然数,使得它们都是合数.”
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