求电影(America from Freedom to Fascism) 的英文剧本或字幕,一定要英文的!
求电影(America from Freedom to Fascism) 的英文剧本或字幕,一定要英文的!
[from trailer]
Catherine Austin Fitts (Former Asst.Secretary of Housing):The government works for a private bank,and the private bank works for its owners,the true masters.
[from trailer]
Michael Ruppert (Investigator/Author):The Federal Reserve is no more 'federal' than Federal Express.I've never seen a full list of ownership for the Fed -- I don't think anybody has.
[from trailer]
Franklin Sanders (Author/Tax Honesty):Why did we give a monopoly,of creating money out of thin air,to a private corporation?
[from trailer]
Peter Gibbons (Tax Attorney):There is no constitutional basis for a tax on the wages of Americans living and working in the 50 states of the union.Period,end of argument.
[from trailer]
Irwin Schiff (Author):Nobody can know what the law is,because the law is what the judges *say* the law is.
[from trailer]
Aaron Russo:I think it should be clarified,I think government should be transparent to the people.
[from trailer]
Ron Paul (Congressman):You have to get permission from the government for almost *everything*.And if that is the definition of a Police State -- that you can't do anything unless the government gives you permission -- we're well on our way.
[from trailer]
Aaron Russo:I began to have a frightening thought:what if it was our own government we had to be afraid of?
[from trailer]
Franklin Sanders (Author/Tax Honesty):The power of the government has been hijacked,so that the rest of us are made slaves.
[from trailer]
Edwin Viera (Prof.Constitutional Law):What happens if your own government is using more force,and more coercion,on its own citizens,for the purposes of achieving *its* political ends -- is that government engaged in terrorism?
[from trailer]
G.Edward Griffin (Author,'Creature From Jekyll Island'):Unfortunately,what is being sold to the American people today,as 'Americanism'...If you peel off the label,you'd find *so* much similarity to what we were fighting against when we were fighting Communism,and Nazism,and Fascism.
[from trailer]
Michael Ruppert (Investigator/Author):Benito Mussolini had a great quote about Fascism:he said that 'Fascism' should be called 'Corporatism' more properly,because it's the perfect merger,of power between the corporation and the State.That's how he defined Fascism!And that's what we're seeing here.
[from trailer]
Edwin Viera (Prof.Constitutional Law):*All* the power is in the people.And to the extent that government becomes alienated from the people,does things the people don't want,power is transferred until you finally come to a Police State,totalitarian state,whatever word you want to give it -- where the desires of the people really have no consequence.They go out and they vote,doesn't make any difference which candidate they elect.
Catherine Austin Fitts (Former Asst.Secretary of Housing):The government works for a private bank,and the private bank works for its owners,the true masters.
[from trailer]
Michael Ruppert (Investigator/Author):The Federal Reserve is no more 'federal' than Federal Express.I've never seen a full list of ownership for the Fed -- I don't think anybody has.
[from trailer]
Franklin Sanders (Author/Tax Honesty):Why did we give a monopoly,of creating money out of thin air,to a private corporation?
[from trailer]
Peter Gibbons (Tax Attorney):There is no constitutional basis for a tax on the wages of Americans living and working in the 50 states of the union.Period,end of argument.
[from trailer]
Irwin Schiff (Author):Nobody can know what the law is,because the law is what the judges *say* the law is.
[from trailer]
Aaron Russo:I think it should be clarified,I think government should be transparent to the people.
[from trailer]
Ron Paul (Congressman):You have to get permission from the government for almost *everything*.And if that is the definition of a Police State -- that you can't do anything unless the government gives you permission -- we're well on our way.
[from trailer]
Aaron Russo:I began to have a frightening thought:what if it was our own government we had to be afraid of?
[from trailer]
Franklin Sanders (Author/Tax Honesty):The power of the government has been hijacked,so that the rest of us are made slaves.
[from trailer]
Edwin Viera (Prof.Constitutional Law):What happens if your own government is using more force,and more coercion,on its own citizens,for the purposes of achieving *its* political ends -- is that government engaged in terrorism?
[from trailer]
G.Edward Griffin (Author,'Creature From Jekyll Island'):Unfortunately,what is being sold to the American people today,as 'Americanism'...If you peel off the label,you'd find *so* much similarity to what we were fighting against when we were fighting Communism,and Nazism,and Fascism.
[from trailer]
Michael Ruppert (Investigator/Author):Benito Mussolini had a great quote about Fascism:he said that 'Fascism' should be called 'Corporatism' more properly,because it's the perfect merger,of power between the corporation and the State.That's how he defined Fascism!And that's what we're seeing here.
[from trailer]
Edwin Viera (Prof.Constitutional Law):*All* the power is in the people.And to the extent that government becomes alienated from the people,does things the people don't want,power is transferred until you finally come to a Police State,totalitarian state,whatever word you want to give it -- where the desires of the people really have no consequence.They go out and they vote,doesn't make any difference which candidate they elect.
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