S :Who are you?
M:Jim Moriarty.
S :Consulting criminal.
M:I have loved this,this little game of ours.
S :People have died.
M:That's what people DO!
S :I will stop you.
M:If you don't stop prying.I'll burn you.
M:I will burn the heart out of you.
S :Catch you later.
M:No,you won't!
boys!I'm SO changeable!It is a weakness with me,but to be fair to
myself,it is my only weakness.You can't be allowed to continue.You just
can't.I would try to convince you,but everything I have to say has already
crossed your mind.
S :Probably myanswer has crossed yours.这个是夏洛克对茉莉说的一段独白,一分钟左右
S :Come on,surely you see.The others are slapdash.It's for someone special.The shade of
red echoes her lipstick-either an unconscious association,or one she's
deliberately trying to encourage.Either way,Miss Hooper has love on her mind.
That she's serious about him is clear from the fact she's giving him a gift.
That she's seeing him tonight is evident from her make-up and clothes.Obviously trying to compensate for the size of her mouth and breasts.
S :Who are you?
M:Jim Moriarty.
S :Consulting criminal.
M:I have loved this,this little game of ours.
S :People have died.
M:That's what people DO!
S :I will stop you.
M:If you don't stop prying.I'll burn you.
M:I will burn the heart out of you.
S :Catch you later.
M:No,you won't!
boys!I'm SO changeable!It is a weakness with me,but to be fair to
myself,it is my only weakness.You can't be allowed to continue.You just
can't.I would try to convince you,but everything I have to say has already
crossed your mind.
S :Probably myanswer has crossed yours.这个是夏洛克对茉莉说的一段独白,一分钟左右
S :Come on,surely you see.The others are slapdash.It's for someone special.The shade of
red echoes her lipstick-either an unconscious association,or one she's
deliberately trying to encourage.Either way,Miss Hooper has love on her mind.
That she's serious about him is clear from the fact she's giving him a gift.
That she's seeing him tonight is evident from her make-up and clothes.Obviously trying to compensate for the size of her mouth and breasts.
- 1实数-2/3,0,-π,3.1415926,√5,三次根号下-7,0.3中,其中有理数有m个,无理数有n个,则|√m-n|是几
- 2- I want to tell you that how much I love you..
- 3另有要事,自然自然地,一石二鸟用英语各怎么说?
- 4let”s.play.hide-and-find中文是什么意思
- 5火焰原子吸收分光光度法测水中铁锰含量实验步骤
- 6下列关于天文望远镜说法错误的是
- 7水果店运来35框苹果和38框梨.苹果一共比梨重100千克.已知每框苹果30千克,每框梨多少重千克?(方程解)
- 8有一只能容3千克水的水桶,和一只能容5千克水的水桶,只用这两只铜怎样倒出4千克水来呢
- 9清明节作文开头和结尾
- 10negative news effect 急
- 1如何找重读音节
- 2把枣整个吞进去.比喻读书等不加分析地笼统接受.
- 3The people are really _____.A.relax B.relaxing C.relaxed D.relaxes
- 4等腰三角形一腰上的高与另一腰上的高的夹角为60°,则其顶角为多少度?
- 5what upset you will be talked about by you with smile one day
- 6观察植物细胞有丝分裂的实验材料选取的标准是什么
- 7关于x的方程根号下1-x=mx+1(m∈R)
- 8边长24厘米的正方形纸片,在四个角上各剪一个正方形,做成一个无盖盒.使盒子容积最大,减去的边长?
- 9某有机物由C、H、O三种元素组成,它的红外吸收光谱表明有羟基O-H键和烃基上 C-H键的红外吸收峰,且烃基和羟基上氢原子个数之比为2:1,它的相对分子质量为62,试写出该有机物的结构简式_.
- 10叙述一部名著中的故事(要求:说出书名,人名和有关情节,至少运用一个成语,名言警句或格言等)