把下列 直接引语转间接引语he asked,"why are you late today,jimmy?"
1.He asked,“Why are you late today, Jimmy?”
2.Lucy said,“I'm going to the beach for vacation.”
3.Mother told me,“I'm not mad at you anymore.”
4.Xiao Li asked me,“Can I coppy your homework?”
5.Yom asked his father,“Why does the sun rise(升起)in the east and go down in the west?”
1.He asked,“Why are you late today, Jimmy?”
2.Lucy said,“I'm going to the beach for vacation.”
3.Mother told me,“I'm not mad at you anymore.”
4.Xiao Li asked me,“Can I coppy your homework?”
5.Yom asked his father,“Why does the sun rise(升起)in the east and go down in the west?”
he asked that why we are late today
Lucy said she was going to the beach for wacation
Mother told me she was not mad at me anymore
Xiao LI asked me that whether(if) (s)he could coppy my homework
Yom asked his father why the sun rise in the east and go down in the west (客观真理,从句一般现在时态)
Lucy said she was going to the beach for wacation
Mother told me she was not mad at me anymore
Xiao LI asked me that whether(if) (s)he could coppy my homework
Yom asked his father why the sun rise in the east and go down in the west (客观真理,从句一般现在时态)
- 1用“峻”字组成不同的词语,填在()中.
- 2天干地支的月份和时辰怎么计算
- 31、先画一个直径为2厘米的一个圆,再在圆内画一个最大的正方形.
- 4一立方米空心砖190*190*90多少块?
- 5红星小学期中体育达标率为55% ,期末又有130达标 ,达标率为80%,还有多少同学没有达标?
- 63的1999次方减5乘3的1998次方加6乘3的1997次方加负1999等于多少
- 7do cause damage to doing还是do cause damage to do
- 8He was _______in swimming across the river.(succeed)
- 9已知定义域为(-1,1)的函数y=f(x)既是奇函数又是减函数,且f(a-3)+f(9-a^2)<0,则实数a的取值范围是多少?正确答案是(2√2,3),
- 10请利用所学因式分解的知识说明:对任意实数a、b代数式4a²+16a+32+9b²-24b是非负数
- 1当x等于()时,(2x-3)/5与2/3-3的值互为相反数
- 2要在规定的时间内从b地赶往a地,如果他的车速为35km/时,就要迟到2小时;如果他的车速为50km/时,那么就比规定时间早到1小时,求规定的时间及啊a、两地之间的距离?
- 3汉译英 十万火急 (大概初三年级的内容)
- 4小王花882元买了部手机其价格是原来定价相继折扣了30%和2%后的价格则这部手机的原
- 5甲乙两车同时从A地开往B地,当甲行完全程的1/5时,乙车离B的还有120千米,照这样的速度行驶,当甲到达B地时,乙车行完全程的5/7,AB两地相距多少千米?
- 61.There are many new students in the small room.2.The boxes are full of new toys and bools 翻译
- 7为什么接近光速运动时间就会变慢
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- 10英语翻译