麻烦谁能翻译下下~ 高三英语课文.
Why are people so interested in world records? Part of the reason for our interest is probably the same curiosity that Led Sir Hugh to write the Guinness Book of World Records in the first place. We want to know what is possible and find out just how far we can push ourselves. Clearly, we are also entertained by accounts of strange and unusual deeds and facts. Whether we are out to set a new record ourselves or simply enjoy reading about champions, the Guinness Book of World Records makes for interesting reading.
=0= 麻烦可以不用翻译工具么
Why are people so interested in world records? Part of the reason for our interest is probably the same curiosity that Led Sir Hugh to write the Guinness Book of World Records in the first place. We want to know what is possible and find out just how far we can push ourselves. Clearly, we are also entertained by accounts of strange and unusual deeds and facts. Whether we are out to set a new record ourselves or simply enjoy reading about champions, the Guinness Book of World Records makes for interesting reading.
=0= 麻烦可以不用翻译工具么
- 1近义词,结实(),停歇(). 反义词,遥远().
- 25(x-2)的平方-125=0 解方程
- 3用十字相乘 2a(的平方)b(的平方)c-10a(的平方)bc-12(的平方)c -6x(的3次方)-16x(的平方)+32x
- 4怎样才能让二年级的小孩写好看图写话.
- 5Do you know how I can get to the supermarket是什么意思
- 6ab是圆o的直径,pd切圆o于点p,pd与ab的延长线交与点d,pd=pa,求∠pab的度数
- 7一个正方形如果他的边长都增加4厘米,所得新正方形的面积就比原来增加88厘米,求原正方形的面积?
- 8在宇宙中还存在东南西北吗?
- 9一批树苗按下列方法依次由各班领取:第一班取100棵和余下的1/10,第二班取200棵和余下的1/10,第三班取300棵和余下的1/10.最后树苗全部被取完,且个班树苗相等,求树苗总数和班级数.
- 10描写秋菊的好词佳句
- 1英语翻译
- 2两码头相距s千米,船在静水中的速度为m千米每小时,水流速度为n千米每小时,求往返的平均速度
- 3I'm going to the post office tonight 划线提问 划线部分tonight
- 4在比例尺是1:6000000的地图上,量得甲乙两地的距离为25厘米,上午9点30分有一架飞机从甲地飞往乙地,上午10点45分到达.这架飞机每小时飞行多少千米?
- 5向量判断?
- 6谁能告诉我明朝的布政使级别到底是几品?请看好了不是清朝,不要把清朝的拿来回答.请注明出处或依据
- 7正丁醇怎么制备异丁醇
- 8英语翻译
- 9请问一下碱式碳酸铜的受热分解?
- 10My brother has a car.(改为否定句)