1.以 to do 开头
2.以 介词+doing 开头
3.以 doing 开头
4.以 done 开头
5.以 having done 开头
6.以 when/while doing 开头
7.以 when/while done 开头
8.以 if/until/although/once/unless done 开头各造一句
9.以 adj.或形容词性短语开头
10.以 连接词+adj.开头
1.以 to do 开头
2.以 介词+doing 开头
3.以 doing 开头
4.以 done 开头
5.以 having done 开头
6.以 when/while doing 开头
7.以 when/while done 开头
8.以 if/until/although/once/unless done 开头各造一句
9.以 adj.或形容词性短语开头
10.以 连接词+adj.开头
1.以 to do 开头 To clean the classroom is our task this afternoon.
2.以 介词+doing 开头On hearing the good news ,we all jumped with joy.
3.以 doing 开头Walking in the street,I met an old friend of mine.
4.以 done 开头Seen from the top of the mountain ,the city looks very small.
5.以 having done 开头Having finished the work ,they went home.
6.以 when/while doing 开头when /while watching TV,we heard a cry.
7.以 when/while done 开头when seen from the top of the mountain,the city looks very small
8.以 if/until/although/once/unless done 开头各造一句
If untreated,the disease will become serious.
keep silent untill told to speak.
Although invited,I don't want to go to his party.
Once gained ,our friendship will get firm.
I will pick you up at the theatre unless told you won't come.
9.以 adj.或形容词性短语开头
10.以 连接词+adj.开头
2.以 介词+doing 开头On hearing the good news ,we all jumped with joy.
3.以 doing 开头Walking in the street,I met an old friend of mine.
4.以 done 开头Seen from the top of the mountain ,the city looks very small.
5.以 having done 开头Having finished the work ,they went home.
6.以 when/while doing 开头when /while watching TV,we heard a cry.
7.以 when/while done 开头when seen from the top of the mountain,the city looks very small
8.以 if/until/although/once/unless done 开头各造一句
If untreated,the disease will become serious.
keep silent untill told to speak.
Although invited,I don't want to go to his party.
Once gained ,our friendship will get firm.
I will pick you up at the theatre unless told you won't come.
9.以 adj.或形容词性短语开头
10.以 连接词+adj.开头
- 1为什么二氧化碳会在水中产生气泡?
- 2梁山好汉108人的外号,还要排座次.水浒传108好汉排座次,名字最好是前外号后人名,如:(...):智多星吴用····下面有不对的,什么什么星就不用了!如:1、及时雨宋江2、玉麒麟卢俊义他们的
- 3已知tanα=1/2,tanβ=1/3,且0
- 4How soon do I have to leave my room How
- 5一项工程,甲单独做需10天完成,乙独做需15天完成,丙单独做需20天完成.乙、丙合作6天后,乙因事而去
- 6下列现象中不能用相似相溶原理解释的是
- 7自然环境描写与景物描写的区别
- 8已知弧长50厘米的弧所对的圆心角为200度,求这条弧所在的圆的半径(精确到1厘米)
- 9和“人生若只如初见”意思相反的诗句
- 102x+5y
- 1sinx+根号3cosx+a=0在x∈[0,π/2]上有两个不同的实根,求实数a的取值范围
- 2三个大小分别是5N,10N,14N的共点共面的力,合力的最大值和最小值
- 3已知函数f(x)=x^2+4x-a,a∈R,且函数f(x)有最小值2,(1)求实数a的值,(2)解不等式fx>5
- 4已知化学式为CxHy的物质在氧气中完全燃烧产物为水和二氧化碳.在常温常压下,将16mL H2、CH4、C2H2的混合气体与足量的O2混合,点燃后使之完全燃烧,冷却至原状态,测得总体积比原体积减小2
- 51N的水能产生大于1N的浮力吗?
- 6圆x∧2+y∧2-2x-1=0关于直线2x-y+3=0对称的圆的方程是?
- 7乒乓球每个3元,甲商场打9折,乙商场"买8送2",丙商场每满100元返回30元现金.
- 8直线xsinθ+ycosθ=2+sinθ与圆(x-1)2+y2=4的位置关系是( ) A.相离 B.相切 C.相交 D.不能确定
- 9锌和镁与硫酸混合,哪一个会产生较多的氢?
- 10谁有《锡饧不辩》的翻译