Boryeong Mud Festival
Every year the Boryeong Mud Festival takes place during the summer in Boryeong,a town that is 200km south of Seoul,South of Korea.The first Mud Festival was held in 1998.Now,it a attracts almost 2.2million visitors around the world to boryeong every year.
During the festival,tourists get together in the mud area to experience the Boryeong mud,and also to have lots of fun.The mud is taken from the Boryeong mud flats to the Daecheon beach area.I t is used as the event place of the "Mud Experience Land" during the festival.
The festival has many large attractions,such as a mud pool,mud slides,a mud wrestling,mud sliding and swimming in the mud poo;.People can also use the colorful mud to paint on their body.A large stage is set on the beach,which is used for music performances,competitions and many other activities.In the evening,people can enjoy the music and fireworks at the party on the beach
Boryeong Mud Festival
Every year the Boryeong Mud Festival takes place during the summer in Boryeong,a town that is 200km south of Seoul,South of Korea.The first Mud Festival was held in 1998.Now,it a attracts almost 2.2million visitors around the world to boryeong every year.
During the festival,tourists get together in the mud area to experience the Boryeong mud,and also to have lots of fun.The mud is taken from the Boryeong mud flats to the Daecheon beach area.I t is used as the event place of the "Mud Experience Land" during the festival.
The festival has many large attractions,such as a mud pool,mud slides,a mud wrestling,mud sliding and swimming in the mud poo;.People can also use the colorful mud to paint on their body.A large stage is set on the beach,which is used for music performances,competitions and many other activities.In the evening,people can enjoy the music and fireworks at the party on the beach
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- 4英语翻译
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