my plan for the next year
my plan for the next year
How time flies!Reviewing the past year,various of feelings come to my heart.I have harvested something and also stayed some regret.
I have two targets in the coming year.Firstly,I will persevere in doing exercise to keep a good health.A good body is the precondition of success.I often caught a cold,and hard to cure.It not only influences my study,but also effects the mood and intelligence.The second target can be concluded as "good good study,day day up".During the past year,I did not make enough effort in my academic study.I am a person that can not persevere something for long.Every time I make up my mind to do something,I will forget the promise after some days.In the coming year,I will find out some methods to remind myself.In one word,I will not leave any regret to the best of my ability.
How time flies!Reviewing the past year,various of feelings come to my heart.I have harvested something and also stayed some regret.
I have two targets in the coming year.Firstly,I will persevere in doing exercise to keep a good health.A good body is the precondition of success.I often caught a cold,and hard to cure.It not only influences my study,but also effects the mood and intelligence.The second target can be concluded as "good good study,day day up".During the past year,I did not make enough effort in my academic study.I am a person that can not persevere something for long.Every time I make up my mind to do something,I will forget the promise after some days.In the coming year,I will find out some methods to remind myself.In one word,I will not leave any regret to the best of my ability.
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