One day Ted left his house with six donkeys to go to the market (集市).After some time,he felt tired and rode one of them.He counted the donkeys,and there were only five,so he got off and went to look for the sixth.He looked and looked but couldn't find it.So he went back to the donkeys and counted then a second time.This time there were six,so he rode one of them again and they started.
After a few minutes he counted the donkeys a third time,and there were five!One of his friends passed when he was counting,and Ted said,"I left home with six donkeys.Then I had five.Then I had six again.And now I had only five.Look!One,two,three,four,five." But,Ted said the friends,"You're sitting on a donkey,too.That is the sixth!And you are the seventh."
1.That morning Ted went to the market with six donkeys.
2.Ted rode a donkey because he wanted to count them.
3.Ted counted five donkeys because one of them ran away.
4.His friend counted seven donkeys.
5.Ted was not very clever.
One day Ted left his house with six donkeys to go to the market (集市).After some time,he felt tired and rode one of them.He counted the donkeys,and there were only five,so he got off and went to look for the sixth.He looked and looked but couldn't find it.So he went back to the donkeys and counted then a second time.This time there were six,so he rode one of them again and they started.
After a few minutes he counted the donkeys a third time,and there were five!One of his friends passed when he was counting,and Ted said,"I left home with six donkeys.Then I had five.Then I had six again.And now I had only five.Look!One,two,three,four,five." But,Ted said the friends,"You're sitting on a donkey,too.That is the sixth!And you are the seventh."
1.That morning Ted went to the market with six donkeys.
2.Ted rode a donkey because he wanted to count them.
3.Ted counted five donkeys because one of them ran away.
4.His friend counted seven donkeys.
5.Ted was not very clever.
1t "One day Ted left his house with six donkeys to go to the market (集市)."
2f "he felt tired and rode one of them"
3f That's because he forget counting the he rode.
4f He joked his friend was a donkey.
5t According the passage,it is the truth
2f "he felt tired and rode one of them"
3f That's because he forget counting the he rode.
4f He joked his friend was a donkey.
5t According the passage,it is the truth
- 1有两个“是”的比喻句
- 2已知等腰直角三角形的底边长为4,求腰上的中线
- 3设双曲线x^2/3-y^2=1上一点P,F1,F2为两焦点,求向量PF1×向量PF2的取值范围
- 4usual的反义词是什么
- 5关于聪明在于勤奋,天才在于积累.—华罗庚 这句话的名人名言作文(不少于600字)
- 6已知数列{An}和{Bn}的通项公式为An=3n+5,Bn=4n+8,求这两个数列中的公共项组成的新数列{Cn}
- 7在平行四边形abcd中,ac交bd于点o,ae垂直bd与点e,角ead等于60度,ae等于2cm,ac加bd等于14cm,求三角形boc的周长
- 8“先化简再求值(x加1分之x减1 加 x平方减1分之2x)除以x平方减1分之1,其中x等于负根号2010
- 9动物变异带来了哪些好处,作用?
- 10醋酸稀溶液中加入醋酸钠固体,平衡如何移动?为什么?
- 11加到100等于几?
- 2有一块蛋糕,小刚吃了16,小红吃了其余的16,谁吃得多?为什么?
- 3All our supply of food has ___(run)out
- 4求事件的概率是多少?
- 5(9.9+0.1-9.9+0.1)÷0.0.1简算
- 6设函数f(x)=x^2+bx+c(x0)若f(-4)=f(0),f(-2)=-2 求关于x的方程f(x)=x的解
- 7博学之,审问之,慎思之,明辨之,笃行之.
- 8三角函数的题噢 在三角形ABC中 已知向量AB*AC=9,sinB=cosA*sinC,又三角形ABC的面积等于6
- 94^3.14 、1和4^-3.14 比较大小.
- 10有三根分别长12cm、16cm、44cm的木棒.要使它们截成同样长的小棒,不能有剩余,每根小棒最长多少厘米?