what are the benefits of reading?
There are a lot of benefits of reading...but here are a few:
It expands your vocabulary.It improves your spelling.It helps you understand different ways of life.It helps you understand different ideas.It helps you learn to communicate.It helps us find other people like ourselves.It can be fun to read new stories and find out what happens.It expands your imagination.It helps you know what other people know,so that instead of repeating their mistakes and experiments,you can expand upon them and go farther as a community.It helps you drive from one place to another.It allows you the freedom to find out what other humans have had to say over the years.It helps you know what drugs are in which bottles.It helps when you have to mute the TV because you can read the subtitles and still know what is happening.It helps you go on the internet and interact.
I could go on...for days,probably.But that is a start.
It expands your vocabulary.It improves your spelling.It helps you understand different ways of life.It helps you understand different ideas.It helps you learn to communicate.It helps us find other people like ourselves.It can be fun to read new stories and find out what happens.It expands your imagination.It helps you know what other people know,so that instead of repeating their mistakes and experiments,you can expand upon them and go farther as a community.It helps you drive from one place to another.It allows you the freedom to find out what other humans have had to say over the years.It helps you know what drugs are in which bottles.It helps when you have to mute the TV because you can read the subtitles and still know what is happening.It helps you go on the internet and interact.
I could go on...for days,probably.But that is a start.
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- 6英语翻译
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- 4Vera,did you get the invitation to the party?Yes,I got it( ).I plan to go to the party.
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