As a native of China and someone
closely involved in Yale's efforts to foster excellent relations with China,I
am gratified at the expansiveness - and warmth - of the University's support for
Chinese students and scholars.This
commitment is not surprising for a University whose cordial relationship with
China and the Chinese people is centuries old.Yale University is the alma mater of Yung
Wing,the first Chinese student to graduate from an American university.Since China opened her doors to the world,
Yale University has further contributed to the country's progress,helping to
educate thousands of influential and capable leaders in the fields of education,
management,economics,and the judicial system in China and who are making great
contributions to their native country.
As a native of China and someone
closely involved in Yale's efforts to foster excellent relations with China,I
am gratified at the expansiveness - and warmth - of the University's support for
Chinese students and scholars.This
commitment is not surprising for a University whose cordial relationship with
China and the Chinese people is centuries old.Yale University is the alma mater of Yung
Wing,the first Chinese student to graduate from an American university.Since China opened her doors to the world,
Yale University has further contributed to the country's progress,helping to
educate thousands of influential and capable leaders in the fields of education,
management,economics,and the judicial system in China and who are making great
contributions to their native country.
- 1甲同学汽车从学校到火车站,乙同学汽车从火车站回学校,甲每小时汽车比乙快2KM,两人在上午8点同时出发,
- 2有一桶油,第一次取出总数的五分之一,第二次取出总数的50分之一,两次共取出42千克,这桶油原来多少千克
- 3《在这个不寻常的春天里》作文.叙事.
- 4有一个长方体,它的正面和上面的面积之和是209,如果它的长,宽,高都是质数,求这个长方体的体积?
- 5如何用尺规作图画正六边形
- 6如图所示,等边三角形ABC的边长是6,点P在边AB上,点Q在BC的延长线上,且AP=CQ,设PQ与AC相交于点D. (1)当∠DQC=30°时,求AP的长. (2)作PE⊥AC于E,求证:DE=AE+
- 7成语由什么及什么?填反义词.
- 8公元前221年是?
- 9我想知道心理学上无意识、潜意识、下意识、前意识、意识之间的区别和联系?要详细一点、、
- 10上面一个白字,中间一个大字,下面一个十字,是个什么字
- 1从括号理选择恰当德词语填空,完成对话
- 2“周公不师孔子,孔子亦不师周公”的言外之意是什么?
- 3___eat a lot of rice and fish
- 4在十六个8之间填上加减乘除,使得下面的算式成立.8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8=2002
- 5碳酸钠 碳酸氢钠 与盐的反应?
- 6如图所示,是某课外研究小组设计的可以用来测量转盘转速的装置.该装置上方是一与转盘固定在一起有横向均匀刻度的标尺,带孔的小球穿在光滑细杆上与一轻弹簧相连,弹簧的另一端固定
- 7《行路难》中“停杯投箸不能食,拔剑四顾心茫然”的好处
- 8为什么分段函数在连接点左导数和右导数均存在但不等时也可得函数在连接点连续?
- 9已知三角形有一个内角是(180-x)度,最大角与最小角之差为24°,求x的取值范围.
- 101.1CM等于多少米