Read the following passage and then answer the questions. 在线等,快!
We can see walls everywhere in the world.But the Great Wall of China is the biggest of all.The Chinese call it "The Ten Thousand Li Great Wall".It is in fact more than 6,000 km long.It is 4-5 meters wide(宽的).
When you visit the Great wall,you can't help wondering how the Chinese people built such a great wall thousands of years ago.Without any machines,it's really very hard to build.They must do all the work by hand.It took many people many years to build it.
The Great Wall has a history of over two thousand years.Today it becomes a place of interest.Many people all over the world visit it every year.
1.How long is the Great Wall?_____________________________________.
2.How did the Chinese people do the work to build the wall?__________________.
3.Does the Great Wall become a place of interest?_________________________.
4.Is the Great Wall 6,000 yeara old?__________________________________.
We can see walls everywhere in the world.But the Great Wall of China is the biggest of all.The Chinese call it "The Ten Thousand Li Great Wall".It is in fact more than 6,000 km long.It is 4-5 meters wide(宽的).
When you visit the Great wall,you can't help wondering how the Chinese people built such a great wall thousands of years ago.Without any machines,it's really very hard to build.They must do all the work by hand.It took many people many years to build it.
The Great Wall has a history of over two thousand years.Today it becomes a place of interest.Many people all over the world visit it every year.
1.How long is the Great Wall?_____________________________________.
2.How did the Chinese people do the work to build the wall?__________________.
3.Does the Great Wall become a place of interest?_________________________.
4.Is the Great Wall 6,000 yeara old?__________________________________.
1、It is more than 6,000 km long.
2、Without any machines,they must do all the work by hand.
3、Yes,it does.
4、No,it isn't.It was over two thousand years old .
2、Without any machines,they must do all the work by hand.
3、Yes,it does.
4、No,it isn't.It was over two thousand years old .
- 145乘4乘45简便用算
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