Perhaps not many Chinese people know Wentworth Miller.But it must be 36 for them to name the
Perhaps not many Chinese people know Wentworth Miller.But it must be 36 for them to name the character that he 37 in the TV series Prison Break (电视剧《越狱》) ---- Michael Scoffed.
Miller was born in England,and grew up in Now York.He had always wanted to be a(n) 38 form a very young age.He said,“As a kid I took part in every play and musical(音乐剧) that my parents would allow me to.”
As a graduate(毕业生) of Princeton University,Miller’s stage time during school was 40 in singing,and he travelled around the world acting with the school’s famous group.41 Miller loved acting very much,after graduating from his school,he went to Los Angeles to work in a small company.The manager 43 him a well-paid job.However,the dream of being an actor made him give up the job at last.
Within the next few years,Miller worked for many people in the entertainment industry.He learned very fast and paid attent
Perhaps not many Chinese people know Wentworth Miller.But it must be 36 for them to name the character that he 37 in the TV series Prison Break (电视剧《越狱》) ---- Michael Scoffed.
Miller was born in England,and grew up in Now York.He had always wanted to be a(n) 38 form a very young age.He said,“As a kid I took part in every play and musical(音乐剧) that my parents would allow me to.”
As a graduate(毕业生) of Princeton University,Miller’s stage time during school was 40 in singing,and he travelled around the world acting with the school’s famous group.41 Miller loved acting very much,after graduating from his school,he went to Los Angeles to work in a small company.The manager 43 him a well-paid job.However,the dream of being an actor made him give up the job at last.
Within the next few years,Miller worked for many people in the entertainment industry.He learned very fast and paid attent
- 1“我参观了故宫” 英语怎么说
- 2我要写一篇英语文章给我们外教看!星期二要说给他听!请大家帮我看看这么写好不好!
- 3已知二次函数f(x)同时满足条件:(1) f(x+1)是偶函数 (2) f(x)有最小值-4
- 4礼的原义是祭祀祖先、天神的仪典.西周初期,规定了一整套在衣食住行方面必须合乎尊卑等级身份的礼仪规范,并发展成指导人们行为的基本准则.
- 5函数f(x)=负2x的平方+8x+3的值域
- 6多项式5x的平方y的m的绝对值次方加n减3(括号)乘以y的平方减2是四次二项式,那么m的平方减2倍的mn加n的平方等于几
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- 1若 {an}是等比数列,a4a7=-512,a3+a8=124,且公比q为整数,则a10=( ) A.256 B.-256 C.512 D.-512
- 2有两个关于标点使用的问题
- 3Today is your birthday.Here is a gift [ ] you.A.to B.for 选哪个?为什么?
- 4I would still love you of the rost of life
- 5The news s_____all of us and some became excited.填词
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- 70.3mol氨气和0.4mol二氧化碳的质量____(填“相等”或“不相等”,下同),所含分子数_____,所含原子数_____.
- 82个没学过的解方程组.我知道很简单,但我没学过.
- 9王安石《梅花》柳宗元《江雪》刘长卿《逢雪宿芙蓉山主人》岑参《白雪歌送武判官归京》中咏雪的诗句
- 10谈读书的中心论点 论点 论证分别是什么