have you forgiven yourself求这篇文章的中文翻译~!
We were flying to a meeting.I was in the meddle seat.I found that the young woman sitting next to me was very sad and deep in thought.Then I asked her where she was from,where she was going and what she did.
She was a student and had been attending university in Poland--the homeland of her father.Then she told me sadly that her father has died.She had chosen to attend college in Poland against her father's wishes and their relationship had been bad.They hadn't forgiven each other when he died.
She seemed so sad.I looked at her,trying to think of some words to say.I asked her if she had forgiven herself for not fulfilling her father's hopes.She answered that she couldn't forgive herself and felt so guilty.Slowly,I began to tell her about forgiveness.I encouraged her to trust that because I believed her father wanted that too.She should forgiven herself no matter how awful she thought she had been.
I told her about something I had done as a teenager for which I had felt guilty about for many years,and how I had come to the place where I was faced with the choice of forgiving myself or I could continue feeling guilty for the rest of my life.I had chosen to forgiven meself.
The light in her eyes went on.She began to understand that she was totally forgiven and could forgiven herself.She could be free and happy.
How about you?Is there anything in your life for which you feel guilty?
We were flying to a meeting.I was in the meddle seat.I found that the young woman sitting next to me was very sad and deep in thought.Then I asked her where she was from,where she was going and what she did.
She was a student and had been attending university in Poland--the homeland of her father.Then she told me sadly that her father has died.She had chosen to attend college in Poland against her father's wishes and their relationship had been bad.They hadn't forgiven each other when he died.
She seemed so sad.I looked at her,trying to think of some words to say.I asked her if she had forgiven herself for not fulfilling her father's hopes.She answered that she couldn't forgive herself and felt so guilty.Slowly,I began to tell her about forgiveness.I encouraged her to trust that because I believed her father wanted that too.She should forgiven herself no matter how awful she thought she had been.
I told her about something I had done as a teenager for which I had felt guilty about for many years,and how I had come to the place where I was faced with the choice of forgiving myself or I could continue feeling guilty for the rest of my life.I had chosen to forgiven meself.
The light in her eyes went on.She began to understand that she was totally forgiven and could forgiven herself.She could be free and happy.
How about you?Is there anything in your life for which you feel guilty?
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